30 Days Of Python πŸ‘¨β€πŸ’» - Day 30 - Free Python Resources

This article is a part of a 30 day Python challenge series. You can find the links to all the previous posts of this series here
It has been a great experience learning the Python language for the past month. Although there are areas which I have been not been able to cover, I now am familiar with the basics and can start building projects and dive into more advanced concepts.
Over the last month, I have bookmarked some free and useful Python resources which I found very interesting. I would like to conclude this challenge by compiling all the resources in this post. It will come in handy for future reference and might help anyone looking to explore the world of Python.

Python Learning Resources

While learning a new language, we often look for a good resource to help us understand the fundamental concepts of the language. For me, good videos help me understand the fundamentals quickly. If it arouses my interests, I explore more on that topic by reading blogs, articles around those subject. 
While doing the monthly learning challenge to familiarize myself with the world of Python, I watched quite a number of tutorials, and read a decent number of blog posts to get a holistic view of the terminologies and tried creating a basic mental model. I also tried to map it using the language I am use everyday for my work - JavaScript. This helped me to understand the concepts better and even helped me in improving my knowledge of JavaScript.
Of all the tutorials and resources I explored, I came across a Youtube playlist by Microsoft developers, and it fascinated me. The concepts of Python are explained in lucid terms along with intermediate and advanced level topics such as Data Science using Python and more. 
Once you go over these fundamental lessons, you can find intermediate level lessons as well. 
After getting a good grasp of the underlying concepts of the language, you can checkout these resources that I have compiled in my one of my blog posts. 
I have tried to include a collection of the best resources I found on the web to deep dive into the vast ocean of Python. It contains cheatsheets, tips and tricks, explanations of algorithms and other advanced level concepts using Python. Fee free to explore at your own pace.
One last note before concluding. There are numerous resources on the web for just about anything we want to learn and it can seem very attractive to keep spending time on watching tutorials and reading articles. The best way to understand and learn faster, according to me, is writing as much code as possible. That helps us get rid of unnecessary procrastination and escape the trap of Imposter Syndrome as well. The second best thing is to share your knowledge with the community. I tried both and I am already witnessing the great benefits of it. By sharing whatever little I gained in a month's time with you all, I have possibly learned more that what I could have learned by watching tutorials for a year.  
It has helped me improve my writing skills as well :) 
That’s all for today! Hope you find these resources handy.
I will be back soon with some new set of challenges and experiences! 
Have a great one!

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