We have been experiencing the modern UI in SharePoint Online for more than a year, even though we also have the option to choose the classic experience on our sites. In several places, we can change these experience options for the lists/libraries.
The following steps are used to disable the modern experience from the tenant level.
Disable Modern Experience from Classic Admin Center
- Navigate to default classic Admin Center.
- Click on Settings from the left navigation.
- Under the SharePoint Lists and Libraries experience, select the Classic Experience radio button.
- Then, click OK button.
The above action will take some time to disable the modern experience and enable the classic experience for the SharePoint Online sites for the entire tenant.
Disable Modern Experience from Modern Admin Center
We can also enable or disable the modern experience using SharePoint Online Admin center by following the below steps.
- Navigate to default SharePoint Online Admin Center
- Click on Try the new SharePoint Admin Center link in top of the page
- Click on Settings from the left Navigation
- After navigate to the Settings Page, click on Lists & Libraries to open a right side panel
- From the Lists & Libraries panel, turn off the slider
- Click Save button to apply the classic experience to all the lists & libraries in SharePoint Online sites on the entire tenant.
Disable Modern Experience from List / Library Settings
In previous steps, we have learned how to disable or enable the modern experiences from the tenant level. The below steps are used to control the experience settings on the List or Library level.
- Navigate to List or Library
- Click on Gear button on top of the page to show submenus.
- From the submenu, select List Settings or Library Settings from List or Library respectively.
- Click on Advanced Settings link under General Settings section
- Select Classic Experience radio button under the List Experience
- If the Tenant Level’s List experience setting is set as Classic Experience, we can select Default experience set by as administrator
- Click OK button
To enable the modern experience for lists & libraries for entire tenant,
- Select New Experience and Click Ok button in classic admin center
- Turn on the switch under Use the new experience slider in Lists & libraries right panel from Modern Admin Center,
To enable Modern Experience from List / Library Settings,
From the Advanced Settings of the List / Library, select New experience and then click on OK button to enable the new experience to the selected List / Library.
Here, we have learned to get or set the modern or classic experience to the lists & libraries from the three places like classic admin center, modern admin center, and List / Library settings. Please add your comment, if I have missed anything or any more option.