Create an Internet Explorer Accelerator for your web site using


Internet Explorer Accelerators gives you a text selection-based search experience's, which allows a user to invoke an on-line search from their favoirte search engine or web site by just right clicking the mouse and select from the list. No need to open a separate window or a browser for searching. These are available for browser Internet Explorer only. Different browser's have their own different Accelerator's. But here we going to create an C-Sharpcorner Accelerator for Internet Explorer only. After installing this Accelerator, then our members can easily find contents on Lot's of free Accelerators available for Internet Explorer like, Bing, MSDN, Google etc. 

Here is a sample of Accelerator's that already installed for Internet Explorer...


Waw that's cool and simple :). OK let's create one for our website also.

Getting Started

Open your Visual Studio 2010, then create a new project by selecting File -> New -> Project -> Project Template window opened.

Wait, you required IE Accelerator template for creating the project. Click on Online Templates and search for accelerator under ASP.Net and and double click on your favorited language.


You can see a green ticked icon showing in above screen, that indicates this accelerator already installed for your Visual Studio.

If you want to know more about the accelerator template then click on More Information link. Now select the project template that got installed and create a New Project.


This sample project already having MSDN accelerator included, just run the page and follow the instructions to install MSDN accelerator if required.

Create a new IE Accelerator

It's simple, add an XML file and copy paste below tags and save the file.


Rebuild, Run and install the accelerator by clicking on button. Make sure to click the check box to select the accelerator as default one.


Now select any text from Internet Explorer and mouse over on Find on, a preview window would open up with out put.


Also, just click on Find on which would directly take us to search web page which shows the resulted out put.


A good feature for every web site. But, this is available for Internet Explorer only.

Sample project code attached, download and run the project and install the accelerator for c-sharpcorner.

To remove the accelerator, go to Tools, Manage add-ons, Accelerators from Add-on type, Select and remove.

Hope you all enjoyed the article, please post your comments. Thank You !

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