In this article we will see how to write owner drawn ListBox control.
Typically, Windows handles the task of drawing the items to display in the
ListBox. You can use the DrawMode property and handle the MeasureItem and
DrawItem events to provide the ability to override the automatic drawing that
Windows provides and draw the items by self. You can use owner-drawn ListBox
controls to display variable-height items, images, or a different color or font
for the text of each item in the list.
We start by creating a Windows Application. Add ListBox to the form and
set its DrawMode property to OwnerDrawVariable. Alternatively you can add
following line to InitializeComponent() function of your form:
'lstColor is ListBox control
me.lstColor.DrawMode =
Next add following lines below above line:
'tell windows we are interested in drawing items
in ListBox on our own
me.lstColor.DrawItem ,addressof
'tell windows we are
interested in providing item size
me.lstColor.MeasureItem ,addressof
By doing this, windows will send us DrawItem and MeasureItem event for each item
added to ListBox.
Next, add handlers for these events.
Private Sub
DrawItemHandler(sender As
Object, e
As DrawItemEventArgs)e.DrawBackground()
e.Graphics.DrawString(data(e.Index), New
Font(FontFamily.GenericSansSerif, 14, FontStyle.Bold),
New SolidBrush(color(e.Index)), e.Bounds)
End Sub
Sub MeasureItemHandler(sender
As Object,
e As MeasureItemEventArgs)e.ItemHeight =
End Sub
In above code date is array that holds items to be inserted and color is
array of class Color.