In this article, I describe how to dynamically apply a format to Crystal Reports text. In Crystal Reports, you can't directly change color, font size, style, alignment, etc. So I have created a custom composite control which helps you to format text objects in Crystal Reports.
In Crystal Reports, Text Field object properties like font size, color, style, etc. can't change. For this, I used a HTML editor but it can't support some tags.
So I decided to create my own control which can format the text from client side.
Using the Code
Here, I have used a formula field to show the data in Crystal Reports.
In the following image, I show how to add display data in a formula field.
In the following image, I show how to add a formula for the font size.
In the following image, I show how to add a formula for the font style.
In the following image, I show how to add a formula for Text Alignment.
In the following image, I show how to add a formula for Font Color.
Final Demo Project Screenshot