ASP.NET FileUpload control provides functionality to browse a file and upload on a Web server. FileName property is the name of the file to be uploaded. FileContent property gets a Stream object of that file.
The following code snippet creates a FileUpload control in ASP.NET.
- <asp:FileUpload
- AccessKey="string"
- BackColor="color name|#dddddd"
- BorderColor="color name|#dddddd"
- BorderStyle="NotSet|None|Dotted|Dashed|Solid|Double|Groove|Ridge|
- Inset|Outset"
- BorderWidth="size"
- CssClass="string"
- Enabled="True|False"
- EnableTheming="True|False"
- EnableViewState="True|False"
- Font-Bold="True|False"
- Font-Italic="True|False"
- Font-Names="string"
- Font-Overline="True|False"
- Font-Size="string|Smaller|Larger|XX-Small|X-Small|Small|Medium|
- Large|X-Large|XX-Large"
- Font-Strikeout="True|False"
- Font-Underline="True|False"
- ForeColor="color name|#dddddd"
- Height="size"
- ID="string"
- OnDataBinding="DataBinding event handler"
- OnDisposed="Disposed event handler"
- OnInit="Init event handler"
- OnLoad="Load event handler"
- OnPreRender="PreRender event handler"
- OnUnload="Unload event handler"
- runat="server"
- SkinID="string"
- Style="string"
- TabIndex="integer"
- ToolTip="string"
- Visible="True|False"
- Width="size"
- />