List In C#

C# List class in .NET provides methods and properties to create a list of objects. You can create a list of simple data types, such as a string or int, or you can create a list of objects, such as classes and structs. C# List class methods allow you to add, remove, and find items in a list object.

The following code snippet creates a list of int. 

List<int> numbers = new List<int>(5) { 5, 10, 15, 20, 25};

The following code snippet creates a list of strings. 

// Create a List of strings
List<string> names = new List<string>() {"Mahesh Chand", "Neel Beniwal", "Chris Love" };

You can add items to a list during the initialization or using List.Add() and List.AddRange() methods.

The List is a generic class. You must import the following namespace before using the List class. 

using System.Collections.Generic;  

We also have the Author class that we will use in the later code examples. 

public class Author  
    // Auto-Initialized properties  
    public string Name { get; set; }  
    public string Book { get; set; }  
    public double Price { get; set; }  
    public string AuthorDetails()  
        return string.Format("{0} is an author of {1}. Price: ${2}", Name, Book, Price);  

The following code example creates three lists of numbers, strings, and objects. 

// Create a List of int  
List<int> numbers = new List<int>(5) { 5, 10, 15, 20, 25};  
// Create a List of strings   
List<string> names = new List<string>()  
                    {"Mahesh Chand", "Neel Beniwal", "Chris Love" };  
// Create a List of objects  
List<Author> authors = new List<Author>  
    new Author { Name = "Mahesh Chand", Book = "Apress", Price = 49.95 },  
    new Author { Name = "Neel Beniwal", Book = "Apress", Price = 19.95 },  
    new Author { Name = "Chris Love", Book = "PakT", Price = 29.95 }  
// Read List objects

The following code example adds more items to the lists. 

// Add more items to List  
// Add more items  
names.AddRange(new string[] {"Raj Beniwal", "Allen O'neill" });  

The following code example reads the list of items.  

// Read List items  
foreach (int num in numbers)  
    Console.Write($"{num}, ");       
// Read List items  
foreach (string name in names)  
    Console.Write($"{name}, ");  
// Read List objects  
foreach (Author author in authors)  
    Console.WriteLine($"Author: {author.Name}:{author.Book}:{author.Price}");  

Listing 1 Is the complete code example.

// Create a List of int  
List<int> numbers = new List<int>(5) { 5, 10, 15, 20, 25};  
// Add more items to List  
// Read List items  
foreach (int num in numbers)  
    Console.Write($"{num}, ");       
// Create a List of strings   
List<string> names = new List<string>()  
                    {"Mahesh Chand", "Neel Beniwal", "Chris Love" };  
// Add more items  
names.AddRange(new string[] {"Raj Beniwal", "Allen O'neill" });  
// Read List items  
foreach (string name in names)  
    Console.Write($"{name}, ");  
// Create a List of objects  
List<Author> authors = new List<Author>  
    new Author { Name = "Mahesh Chand", Book = "Apress", Price = 49.95 },  
    new Author { Name = "Neel Beniwal", Book = "Apress", Price = 19.95 },  
    new Author { Name = "Chris Love", Book = "PakT", Price = 29.95 }  
// Read List objects  
foreach (Author author in authors)  
    Console.WriteLine($"Author: {author.Name}:{author.Book}:{author.Price}");  

Listing 1.

Read this complete Tutorial on C# List to learn more about List in C#.

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