Abstract :
probably all programmers working in c# on windows platform but here i m
presenting some thing that will give you a brief idea how to compile a c#
program on LINUX platform in mono develop IDE.
Compiling Simple Hello world program on LINUX .
I am using Ubuntu release 10.4 to show you the steps .
For running a C# program on Linux machine first of you have to install an IDE in
which you can write program and can debug so just install the Mono Develop IDE.
Here are steps to install Mono
Step 1:
Step 2:
Step 3 :
Open Mono develop :
Step 4
Create New Solution By Going to File Menu >> Solution
Just Name the Solution and Press Forward button
Write a Simple Program like below ...to test ..
Compiling Program :
go to Build Menu >> Click Build
to Run the Program go to Run Menu >> Run With >> Mono x.x
you will see the Output at the bottom of the screen .as result but you will
notice that its not asking for input as we written some code that taking input
from the user thats because its not the original console window so lets make
the option so that out program will run in Separate Console Window.
Go to Project Menu >> Project Option >> under Run Section tick Run on
External Console.
Now Run the Project Again and viola you have Created your First C# Program on
Linux Machine :)
Thank you for reading the Article :)