Step 1: Create a SQL Server Procedure like:
Step 2: Add the Stored Procedure Class:
Step 3: Create a Data Reader function and query like:
using System;
using System.Data;
using System.Data.SqlClient;
using System.Data.SqlTypes;
using Microsoft.SqlServer.Server;
public partial class StoredProcedures
public static void StoredProcedure()
// Put your code here
SqlConnection connection = new SqlConnection();
connection.ConnectionString = "Context Connection=true";
SqlCommand cmd = new SqlCommand();
cmd.Connection = connection;
cmd.CommandText = @" SELECT
,[Search Name]
,[Name 2]
,[Address 2]
,[Phone No_]
,[Telex No_]
,[Our Account No_]
,[Territory Code]
,[Global Dimension 1 Code]
,[Global Dimension 2 Code]
,[Chain Name]
,[Budgeted Amount]
,[Credit Limit (LCY)]
,[Customer Posting Group]
,[Currency Code]
,[Customer Price Group]
,[Language Code]
,[Statistics Group]
,[Payment Terms Code]
,[Fin_ Charge Terms Code]
,[Salesperson Code]
,[Shipment Method Code]
,[Shipping Agent Code]
,[Place of Export]
,[Invoice Disc_ Code]
,[Customer Disc_ Group]
,[Country_Region Code]
,[Collection Method]
,[Invoice Copies]
,[Last Statement No_]
,[Print Statements]
,[Bill-to Customer No_]
,[Payment Method Code]
,[Last Date Modified]
,[Application Method]
,[Prices Including VAT]
,[Location Code]
,[Fax No_]
,[Telex Answer Back]
,[VAT Registration No_]
,[Combine Shipments]
,[Gen_ Bus_ Posting Group]
,[Post Code]
,[Home Page]
,[Reminder Terms Code]
,[No_ Series]
,[Tax Area Code]
,[Tax Liable]
,[VAT Bus_ Posting Group]
,[Block Payment Tolerance]
,[IC Partner Code]
,[Prepayment %]
,[Primary Contact No_]
,[Responsibility Center]
,[Shipping Advice]
,[Shipping Time]
,[Shipping Agent Service Code]
,[Service Zone Code]
,[Allow Line Disc_]
,[Base Calendar Code]
,[Copy Sell-to Addr_ to Qte From]
,[UPS Zone]
,[Tax Exemption No_]
,[Bank Communication]
,[Check Date Format]
,[Check Date Separator]
,[Tax Identification Type]
,[Components on Sales Orders]
,[Components on Shipments]
,[Components on Invoices]
FROM [dbo].[ Customer] ";
SqlDataReader dr = cmd.ExecuteReader();
catch (Exception)
Now build the application.
Step 4: Now create / register the Assembly in your SQL Server using this query:
FROM 'D:\Jayendra-pc\JayendrasinhGohil-Demo\SqlServerProjectCLR\SqlServerProjectCLR\bin\Debug\SqlClassLibrary.dll';
Step 5: Now enable the .NET framework for SQL Server and configure the CLR assembly using:
sp_configure system store procedure like
EXEC sp_configure 'show advanced options' , '1'; reconfigure;
EXEC sp_configure 'clr enabled' , '1' ;reconfigure;
EXEC sp_configure 'show advanced options' , '0';
Step 6: Now create the Stored Procedure like:
EXTERNAL NAME SQLCLRTest.StoredProcedures.StoredProcedure
/*(Your class name. Method Name)*/