Hi everyone,
I was looking for a way to load images in a FlipView control dynamically and here's my solution.
We'll be creating 3 FlipViewItems and setting their Background property to 3 ImageBrush objects.
Note that, first you need to have a FlipView on your page.
Ok, let's start coding!
- First create 3 ImageBrush objects:
FlipView flip1 =newFlipView();
ImageBrush brush1 = newImageBrush();
brush1.ImageSource = new BitmapImage(new Uri("ms-appx:///Assets/image1.png"));
ImageBrush brush2 = newImageBrush();
brush2.ImageSource = new BitmapImage(new Uri("ms-appx:///Assets/image2.png"));
ImageBrush brush3 = newImageBrush();
brush3.ImageSource = new BitmapImage(new Uri("ms-appx:///Assets/image3.png"));
- Then create 3 FlipViewItem objects and assign their Background property as the ImageBrush objects that we recently created:
FlipViewItem flipvw1 = newFlipViewItem();
flipvw1.Background = brush1;
FlipViewItem flipvw2 = newFlipViewItem();
flipvw2.Background = brush2;
FlipViewItem flipvw3 = newFlipViewItem();
flipvw3.Background = brush3;
- And finally add these FlipViewItems to a FlipView object:
And run it! You'll be displaying 3 images in a Flipview control now.
Hope it helps!