Manage Navigation in SharePoint 2013

In this article, we will create manageable navigation using the manage metadata feature in SharePoint 2013. We will use some manage metadata feature such as the ability to tag items with terms and manage terms in a term store, to provide highly customized site navigation. Managed navigation is driven by taxonomy; you can use it to design site navigation around important business concepts without changing the structure of your sites or site components. Managed metadata components like term sets and the term store are used to enable taxonomy-driven navigation for your site.

The following is the procedure to create Taxonomy for Navigation and use it within Global Navigation and Current Navigation:

  1. Create Service application for Manage Metadata service (refer to >>article<<).
  2. Open the Term Store Management Tool to define the Term sets and Terms by clicking on the Managed Metadata Service Application instance

  3. Define the Taxonomy for Navigation-Groups, Term Sets and Terms for the Managed Metadata Service as shown in following picture:

  4. Create a site collection using template "Publishing"; you will have a default "Structured Navigation" applicable for the Global and Current Navigation for the web application.

  5. Open the Create Publishing site. Go to "Site Settings" Links, click on the "Navigation" link from the "Look and Feel" section.

  6. Check the Navigation Settings available for the Global Navigation is the default. Change the Global Navigation and Current Navigation to "Managed Navigation" instead of "Structured Navigation"

  7. Select "Microsoft" Term Set for Managed Navigation as in the following and click on the "Ok" button.

  8. Navigate to the Home Page and observe the changes in Navigations, both Global and Current, you should be able to see the "Microsoft" as Navigational nodes.

  9. Click on the "Edit Links" link in Global Navigation and click on the "Add Link" button to add a new Technology in Microsoft "VC++". Click "Ok".

  10. Click on "Save" and you will able to see the new link:

  11. Refresh the page and you should be able to see the new link in both Navigations.

  12. Go to the Term Store Manager Tool from Site Settings and observe the changes in the Term Sets (look for the one that you have added).


You can learn more from MSDN link:

Hope you liked my article. Happy Learning.