In this article, we discuss the JProgressBar class of Swing in Java.
What is JProgressBar class?
JProgressBar class displays the progress of the class.
Some commonly used public constructors are:
Creates a default progress bar without a string.
- JProgressBar(int minimum, int maximum)
Created with the specified minimum and maximum values of the horizontal progress bar.
Creates a progress bar usng the specified orientation.
- JProgressBar(int orient, int minimum, int maximum)
Creates a progress bar with the specified orientation, min and max values.
Some commonly used public methods are:
- void setStringPainted(boolean bln)
Specifies whether the progress should display a string.
- void setString(String str)
It sets the value of the progress bar.
- void setOrientation(int orient)
It sets the orientation of the progrss bar.
It sets the current value of the current string.
Let's take an example
In this example; we create a simple progress bar class using Swing that shows the progress of the class.
- import javax.swing.*;
- public class JProgressBarEx extends JFrame
- {
- JProgressBar jprgrssbr;
- int x = 0, n = 0;
- JProgressBarEx()
- {
- jprgrssbr = new JProgressBar(1, 2110);
- jprgrssbr.setBounds(45, 45, 204, 35);
- jprgrssbr.setValue(0);
- jprgrssbr.setStringPainted(true);
- add(jprgrssbr);
- setSize(500, 500);
- setLayout(null);
- }
- public void iterate()
- {
- while (x <= 2110)
- {
- jprgrssbr.setValue(x);
- x = x + 22;
- try
- {
- Thread.sleep(200);
- }
- catch (Exception ey)
- {}
- }
- }
- public static void main(String args[])
- {
- JProgressBarEx mthd = new JProgressBarEx();
- mthd.setVisible(true);
- mthd.iterate();
- }
- }
After running the program a window is generated that shows the progress of the program.
After a few seconds the progress bar shows the following: