Ballgame in F# using Silverlight and WPF

Today I am creating a game application named BallGame in F# using WPF, Silverlight. Steps are given below.

Step 1: Firstly Open a new project in F# using Visual Studio 2010. Select F# WPF application template and give a name to it like the below image.

New Project Dialog Box

Step 2: Now add the below define references, a new F# silverlightapp project and some beep tune files to the project by right clicking on project in solution explorer.

  • Accessibility
  • PresentationCore
  • PresentationFramework
  • System
  • System.Xaml
  • System.Xml
  • System.Core
  • System.Numerics
  • System.Data
  • System.Drawing
  • WindowsBase
  • UIAutomationProvider
  • UIAutomationTypes

Step 3: When you have added all these references, new project and all beep tune files your Solution Explorer will look like the below image.

Solution Explorer

Step 4: Now click on the Module1.fs file in the Solution Explorer and write the below code in the Module1.fs window, your window will look like below.
BallgameCode part1

Ballgame Code part2

Ballgame code part3

Ballgame code part 4

Ballgame code part5

Ballgame code part6

Ballgame Code part7

namespace Ballgame

open System.Windows
open System.Windows.Shapes
open System.Windows.Controls
open System.Windows.Controls.Primitives
open System.Windows.Media
module BGameWpf =
    module Cnvs =
        let SetTopLeft(element, top, left) =
            Canvas.SetTop(element, top)
            Canvas.SetLeft(element, left)
    type System.Windows.Controls.Canvas with
        member this.AddAt(top, left, element) =
            this.Children.Add(element) |> ignore
    let YELLOW = new SolidColorBrush(Colors.Yellow)
    let WHITE = new SolidColorBrush(Colors.White)
    let RED = new SolidColorBrush(Colors.Red)
open BGameWpf
module GlobConstConfig =
    let a = 0.0003
    // pixel size of a ball/brick
    let TotSIZE = 7.0
    // initial grid size of blocks
    let TOTWDT = 80
    let TOTHGT = 20
    // paddle size
    let RESTHEGT = 11.0
    let RESTWDT = 9.0 * TotSIZE
    let RESTCHT =
open GlobConstConfig
module GlobCompConst =
    let HLFSIZE = TotSIZE / 2.0
    // pixel location of bottom of bricks
    let BTBALL = float TOTHGT * TotSIZE
    // canvas size
    let CNWDT=TotSIZE * float TOTWDT
    let CNHGT=TotSIZE * 90.0
    // pixel location of top of paddle
    let TOPPAD = CNHGT-70.0
    let HLFRESTWDT =  RESTWDT  / 2.0
open GlobCompConst
module GLBLS =
    let ldXaml<'T when 'T :> FrameworkElement>(xamlPath) =
        use stream = System.Reflection.Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly().GetManifestResourceStream(xamlPath)
// if BuildAction=EmbeddedResource
        let stream = (new System.IO.StreamReader(stream)).ReadToEnd()
        let nxaml = System.Windows.Markup.XamlReader.Load(stream)
        let uObj = nxaml :?> 'T
    let (?) (fe:FrameworkElement) firstName : 'T =
        fe.FindName(firstName) :?> 'T
    let nwPnl : StackPanel = ldXaml("MainWindow.xaml")
    let cnvs : Canvas = nwPnl?canvas
    let pup : Popup = nwPnl?popup
    let pupCanvas : Canvas = nwPnl?popupCanvas
    let pupTp : TextBox = nwPnl?popupTop
    let pupMdl : TextBox = nwPnl?popupMiddle
    let pupBtm : TextBox = nwPnl?popupBottom
    let RANG = new System.Random()
    // main data objects
    let mutable rmnng = TOTWDT * TOTHGT
    let mutable actv= 1
    let mutable wntPdlBp = false
    let mutable wntBlkBp = false
    let mutable fstTme = true
    // main UI objects
    let txtblc = new TextBlock(Height=25.0, Width=CNWDT, Text="", FontSize=20.0)
    let dbug = new TextBlock(Height=25.0, Width=CNWDT, Text="", FontSize=10.0)
    let pdl = new Rectangle(Width=RESTWDT, Height=RESTHEGT, Fill=YELLOW)
    /// as I varies from 0-max-1, this makes a pretty color spectrum
    let mkClr(I,max) =
        if I < 1*max/4 then
            let px = (I-0*max/4)*256*4/max
            new SolidColorBrush(Color.FromArgb(0xD0uy,0xD0uy,byte(px),4uy))
        elif I < 2*max/4 then
            let px = (I-1*max/4)*256*4/max
            new SolidColorBrush(Color.FromArgb(0xD0uy,0xD0uy,byte(px),4uy))
        elif I < 3*max/4 then
            let px = (I-2*max/4)*256*4/max
            new SolidColorBrush(Color.FromArgb(0xD0uy,0xD0uy,byte(px),4uy))
            let px = (I-3*max/4)*256*4/max
            new SolidColorBrush(Color.FromArgb(0xD0uy,0xD0uy,byte(px),4uy))
    let NMBP = 20
    let mkMda(file) = new MediaElement(Source = new System.Uri(file, System.UriKind.Relative), AutoPlay = false)
    let mkMda(file) = new MediaElement(Source = new System.Uri(file, System.UriKind.Relative), LoadedBehavior = MediaState.Manual)
    let attachMedia(file) =
        let sund = mkMda(file)
        sund.MediaFailed.Add (fun ea -> dbug.Text <- ea.ErrorException.ToString())
        cnvs.Children.Add(sund) |> ignore
    let bps = Array.init NMBP (fun _ -> attachMedia("BEPPUR.wma"))
    let mutable curBeep = 0
    let blkBps = Array.init NMBP (fun _ -> attachMedia("BEPDUB.wma"))
    let windSund = attachMedia("happykids.wma")
    let lseSund = attachMedia("boo.wma")
    let plyOnc(sound : MediaElement) =
        async { sound.Play()
                let! _ = Async.AwaitEvent sound.MediaEnded
                sound.Stop() } |> Async.StartImmediate
    // useful functions
    let Asrt(b) =
        //if not b then raise <| new System.Exception("assert failed")
    // screen coordinates, a ball hit a block (filling space [0-SIZE,0-SIZE]) at point
    // (x,y) with velocity (dx,dy) - did it hit the side of the brick (as opposed to top/bottom)?
    let htSde(x,y,dx,dy) =
        let blSlpe = -dy/dx
        if dy>0.0 then
            if dx<0.0 then
                // it's going 'down-left'
                let s = y/(TotSIZE-x)
                blSlpe < s
                // it's going 'down-right'
                let s = -y/x
                blSlpe > s
            if dx>0.0 then
                // it's going 'up-right'
                let s = (TotSIZE-y)/x
                blSlpe < s
                // it's going 'up-left'
                let s = -(TotSIZE-y)/(TotSIZE-x)
                blSlpe > s
    let _ok =
        Asrt(htSde(HLFSIZE,HLFSIZE,10.0,1.0))             // -
        Asrt(htSde(HLFSIZE,HLFSIZE,10.0,-1.0))            // -
        Asrt(not<|htSde(HLFSIZE,HLFSIZE,1.0,-10.0))       // |
        Asrt(not<|htSde(HLFSIZE,HLFSIZE,-1.0,-10.0))      // |
        Asrt(htSde(HLFSIZE,HLFSIZE,-10.0,-1.0))           // -
        Asrt(htSde(HLFSIZE,HLFSIZE,-10.0,1.0))            // -
        Asrt(not<|htSde(HLFSIZE,HLFSIZE,-1.0,10.0))       // |
        Asrt(not<|htSde(HLFSIZE,HLFSIZE,1.0,10.0))        // |
    let ensureNonZero x = if x=0.0 then a else x
open GLBLS
type BlkStt =
    | StartPosition       // in block rows at top
    | Actv                // a ball, moving around
    | Rmvd               // fell off bottom
type Blk(shape : Ellipse) =
    let mutable state = BlkStt.InitialPosition
    // next 3 fields only matter when state=Active
    let mutable xSpeed = 0.0
    let mutable ySpeed = 0.0
    let mutable tail : Line = null
    do Asrt(cnvs.Children.Contains(shape))
    member this.State = state
    member this.Shape = shape
    member this.Reflect() =
        ySpeed <-  -abs(ySpeed)
    member this.Remove() =
        Asrt(state = BlkStt.Active)
        cnvs.Children.Remove(shape) |> ignore
        cnvs.Children.Remove(tail) |> ignore
        state <- BlkStt.Removed
    member this.BreakAway() =
        Asrt(state = BlkStt.InitialPosition)
        xSpeed <- ensureNonZero(TotSIZE * (RANG.NextDouble() - 0.5))
        ySpeed <- TotSIZE * (RANG.NextDouble() + 2.0)/3.1  // trying to ensure ySpeed < SIZE, so ball never goes completely through a row undetected in a single 'step'
        Canvas.SetTop(shape, Canvas.GetTop(shape)+TotSIZE*1.5)
        tail <- new Line(X1=Canvas.GetLeft(shape), X2=Canvas.GetLeft(shape),
                         Y1=Canvas.GetTop(shape), Y2=Canvas.GetTop(shape),
                         StrokeThickness=TotSIZE/3.0, Stroke=WHITE)
        cnvs.Children.Add(tail) |> ignore
        state <- BlkStt.Active
    member this.MoveOneStep() =
        Asrt(state = BlkStt.Active)
        let orgCntrdX = Canvas.GetLeft(shape) + HLFSIZE
        let orgCntrdY = Canvas.GetTop(shape) + HLFSIZE
        // compute new X
        let nwX = xSpeed + Canvas.GetLeft(shape)
        let flpX(r) = xSpeed <-  -xSpeed; r
        let nwX = if nwX < 0.0 then flpX 0.0 else nwX
        let nwX = if nwX > CNWDT-a then flpX(CNWDT-a) else nwX
        // compute new Y
        let nwY = ySpeed + Canvas.GetTop(shape)
        let flpY(r) = ySpeed <-  -ySpeed; r
        let nwY = if nwY < 0.0 then flpY 0.0 else nwY
        // update position
        Cnvs.SetTopLeft(shape, nwY, nwX)
        // update trailer line
        let nwCntrdX = Canvas.GetLeft(shape) + HLFSIZE
        let nwCntrdY = Canvas.GetTop(shape) + HLFSIZE
        tail.X2 <- nwCntrdX
        tail.Y2 <- nwCntrdY
        tail.X1 <- 4.0 * (orgCntrdX - nwCntrdX) + nwCntrdX
        tail.Y1 <- 4.0 * (orgCntrdY - nwCntrdY) + nwCntrdY
    member this.HitPaddle(dx) =
        Asrt(state = BlkStt.Active)
        ySpeed  <-  -abs(ySpeed)
        xSpeed <- ensureNonZero(xSpeed + dx)
    member this.ReboundOffBrick(dLeft, dTop) =
        let sde = htSde(dLeft,dTop,xSpeed,ySpeed)
        if sde then
            xSpeed <-  -xSpeed
            ySpeed <-  -ySpeed
type NewApp() as this =
    inherit Application()
    inherit Window()
    let concon = new ContentControl()
    let blks = Array2D.init TOTHGT TOTWDT (fun y x ->
        let e = new Ellipse(Width=TotSIZE, Height=TotSIZE, Fill=mkClr(x,TOTWDT))
        cnvs.AddAt(TotSIZE * float y, TotSIZE * float x, e)
        new Blk(e))
        cnvs.Width <- CNWDT; cnvs.Height <- CNHGT
        cnvs.AddAt(TOPPAD, CNWDT / 2.0, pdl)
        cnvs.AddAt(TOPPAD+RESTHEGT+5.0, 10.0, txtblc)
        cnvs.AddAt(TOPPAD+RESTHEGT+30.0, 10.0, dbug)
        pupCanvas.Background <- new SolidColorBrush(Color.FromArgb(0xFFuy,0uy,0uy,0xFFuy), Opacity=0.6)
        pup.HorizontalAlignment <- HorizontalAlignment.Left
        pup.VerticalAlignment <- VerticalAlignment.Top
        // Silverlight popups are relative to the whole control
        // WPF popups have more control
        pup.Placement <- PlacementMode.Relative
        pup.PlacementTarget <- nwPnl
        pup.HorizontalOffset <- 0.0
        pup.VerticalOffset <- 0.0
        rmnng <- rmnng - 1
       // txtblc.Text <- sprintf "%d Wall remain, %d Wall active" rmnng actv
        this.UnhandledException.Add(fun ea -> dbug.Text <- ea.ExceptionObject.ToString())
        this.Startup.Add(fun _ ->
        this.Loaded.Add(fun _ ->
            async {
                do! Async.Sleep(50)  // a hack, need to wait until ActualHeight is populated
                pupCanvas.Height <- nwPnl.ActualHeight
                pupCanvas.Width <- nwPnl.ActualWidth
                pup.IsOpen <- true
                pupTp.Text <- "Quick Play Funny BallGame!"
                pupTp.HorizontalAlignment <- HorizontalAlignment.Center  // TODO cannot seem to auto-align these; design-time issue?  recompute layout?
                pupMdl.Text <- "Instructions: If you want to control the box you can move it through it Mouse\nSave Balls from falling down\nBreak walls on Upper side to get
more\nEnjoy the Game!"
                pupBtm.Text <- "Press 's' to start"
            } |> Async.StartImmediate
            async {
                do! Async.Sleep(100)
                while rmnng > 0 && actv > 0 do
                    do! Async.Sleep(20)
                    do  // this 'do' line is important to memory performance - code below is all sync, so need to execute outside 'async' to avoid Async allocating
                        if pup.IsOpen then () else
                        wntPdlBp <- false
                        wntPdlBp <- false
                        curBeep <- (curBeep + 1) % NMBP
                        let leftPad = Canvas.GetLeft(pdl)
                        for y in 0..TOTHGT-1 do
                            for x in 0..TOTWDT-1 do
                                let ball = blks.[y,x]
                                if ball.State = BlkStt.Active then
                                    let top = Canvas.GetTop(ball.Shape)
                                    let left = Canvas.GetLeft(ball.Shape)
                                    if top >= TOPPAD && top < TOPPAD+RESTHEGT && left >= leftPad && left < leftPad+RESTWDT then
                                        // hit paddle
                                        ball.HitPaddle(dx=(left - leftPad - HLFRESTWDT)/HLFRESTWDT)
                                        wntPdlBp <- true
                                    elif top < BTBALL then
                                        // see if hit a stationary brick
                                        let brick = blks.[int(top / TotSIZE),int(left / TotSIZE)]
                                        if brick.State = BlkStt.InitialPosition  then
                                            let t = Canvas.GetTop(brick.Shape)
                                            let l = Canvas.GetLeft(brick.Shape)
                                            let intersect = left >= l && left < l+TotSIZE && top >= t && top < t+TotSIZE
                                            if intersect then
                                                rmnng <- rmnng - 1
                                                actv <- actv + 1
                                                //txtblc.Text <- sprintf "%d Wall remain, %d Wall active" rmnng actv
                                                ball.ReboundOffBrick(dLeft=l-left, dTop=t-top)
                                                wntBlkBp <- true
                                    elif top > CNHGT then
                                        // fell off bottom
                                        if RESTCHT then
                                            actv <- actv - 1
                                           // txtblc.Text <- sprintf "%d Wall remain, %d Wall active" rmnng actv
                        if wntPdlBp then
                        if wntBlkBp then
                if rmnng > 0 then
                    //txtblc.Text <- sprintf "left %d Wall" rmnng
                    txtblc.Text  <- "Hurrah You Won!!!"
            } |> Async.StartImmediate
        // to be able to get focus
        concon.IsTabStop <- true
        concon.IsEnabled <- true
        concon.KeyDown.Add(fun keyEA ->
            if keyEA.Key = Input.Key.S then
                pupCanvas.Height <- nwPnl.ActualHeight\
                pupCanvas.Width <- nwPnl.ActualWidth
                pup.IsOpen <- not pup.IsOpen
                pupTp.Text <- "STOP"
                pupMdl.Text <- "F# - 'fun' is our keyword!"
                pupBtm.Text <- "Press 's' to unstop and continue"
        concon.Focus() |> ignore
        |> Observable.add (fun ea ->
            let x = ea.GetPosition(cnvs).X
            if x < HLFRESTWDT then
                Canvas.SetLeft(pdl, 0.0)
            elif x <= CNWDT - HLFRESTWDT then
                Canvas.SetLeft(pdl, x - HLFRESTWDT)
                Canvas.SetLeft(pdl, CNWDT - RESTWDT)
        concon.Content <- nwPnl
        this.Content <- concon
        this.SizeToContent <- SizeToContent.WidthAndHeight
Main =
        let app =  new Application()
        app.Run(new NewApp()) |> ignore

Step 5: Then you will add a XAML file and write the below code in the MainWindow.xaml file.

<StackPanel xmlns=""
    <Popup Name="popup">
        <Canvas Name="pupCnvs">
            <TextBox Name="pupTp" FontSize="18" Canvas.Left="20" Canvas.Top="20" />
            <TextBox Name="pupMdle" FontSize="14" Canvas.Left="20" Canvas.Top="60" />
            <TextBox Name="pupBtom" FontSize="18" Canvas.Left="20" Canvas.Top="200" />
    <Border BorderThickness="15.0" BorderBrush="Pink">
        <StackPanel Name="stackPanel1">
            <TextBlock Text="BallGame!" FontSize="24" HorizontalAlignment="Center" />
            <TextBlock Text="A super Fun Game for Kids - press 's' to stop" FontSize="12" HorizontalAlignment="Center" />
            <Border BorderThickness="2.0" BorderBrush="Black">
                <Canvas Name="canvas" Background="Black" />

Step 6: Now press F5 to execute the code. Your game is ready to play.


Ballgame Output1

Ballgame Output2

Ballgame Output3

Ballgame Output4

Ballgame Output5


In this article I have discussed how you can develop a Ballgame in F# using both WPF and Silverlight.

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