Step 1
Open Expression Blend 4 -> select Silverlight-Application -> select Silverlight-Application -> change Name and Location accordingly -> hit OK.
Step 2
Select Assets -> select Shapes -> select Callout Oval, draw Oval, manage the width & height, background color, stroke color, margin and shadow effect as shown below:
Step 3
Select Tool-Box -> select Text-Block, write "f" for Facebook, manage the width & height, foreground color and shadow effect as shown below:
Step 4
Follow Step 2 and draw another Oval, manage the width & height, background color, stroke color, margin and shadow effect as shown below:
Step 5
Follow Step 3 and write "t" for Twitter, manage the width & height, foreground color and shadow effect as shown below:
Step 6
Follow Step 2 and draw another Oval, manage the width & height, background color, stroke color, margin and shadow effect as shown below:
Step 7
Follow Step 3 and write "g" for Google, manage the width & height, foreground color and shadow effect as shown below:
Step 8
Follow Step 2 and draw another Oval, manage the width & height, background color, stroke color, margin and shadow effect as shown below:
Step 9
Follow Step 3 and write "y" for Yahoo, manage the width & height, foreground color and shadow effect as shown below:
Step 10
Here's the complete Social-Networking icon's Package as shown below:
Using this article we are able to design Social-Media-Icon's.