How to Acess Control Panel in Windows 8


The Windows 8 Control Panel is a Windows 8 Metro UI based interface which has been widely appreciated by the users. Many users use the control panel to perform administrative tasks such as creating users and uninstalling a program. Currently, the second most talked about Windows 8 feature after Start Menu is Control Panel. The new Metro Control The panel doesn't replace Category Views included in previous Windows versions, such as Windows 7 and Windows Vista. You can still switch to the old Category view of the Control Panel from within the new interface. You can access the control of the panel in many ways.
Option 1
Using Charms Bar in Desktop.
Being on the desktop, click on setting from the Charms bar, then select Control Panel.
Option 2
Using the Desktop Shortcut Menu.
Move your mouse cursor to the lower-left corner until the desktop shortcuts menu appears, then click on the control panel.
you have to position the cursor to touch the exact point. Otherwise, you get a different shortcut menu as shown below.
Option 3
Using a desktop link on the Taskbar.
If your Desktop is displayed on the Taskbar, you can click or touch the desktop link and open the Control Panel.
you can add the Desktop link to the Taskbar by right-clicking the lower-left corner area and click on the Taskbars.
Some of the useful resources are-


In this article, How to Acess Control Panel in Windows 8.