In this article I will explain Traits in PHP. A trait is similar to a class and an abstract class. Traits are a new feature introduced by PHP 5.4 and is a very powerful feature in PHP 5.4 but this feature is not supported in prior versions of PHP. The traits mechanism enables code reuse in a single inheritance using PHP that cannot be instantiated on its own. Traits is one of the most significant additions for PHP. Traits are like horizontal code and are for reusing for common stuff like log-in, security, caching etcetera.
Trait syntax looks like this:
class database extends Mysql
class Mysqli extends Mysql
This example shows precedence order in traits. An class inherited from the "abc" class is overridden by a member inserted by a trait.
class abc{
public function helloabc()
echo 'hello ';
trait helloMCN{
public function helloabc()
echo 'MCN!';
class MyhelloMCN extends abc
use helloMCN;
$s = new MyhelloMCN();
Example of an alternate precedence order in traits.
trait abc
public function helloabc()
echo 'hello MCN!';
class helloisnotenough {
use abc;
public function helloabc() {
echo 'hello csharpcorner!';
$s = new helloisnotenough();
Example of multiple traits. Multiple traits allow you to insert into a class by listing them in the "use" statement and separated by the commas operator.
trait abc{
public function helloabc()
echo 'hello ';
trait xyz{
public function helloxyz()
echo 'MCN';
class myMCN {
use abc, xyz;
public function helloExclamation()
echo '!';
$s = new myMCN();