Creating a simple calculator in Expression Blend
Hi Guys, in this article you will learn how to
create a simple calculator in Expression Blend. It is as simple in designing as
complex in logical coding. While designing a calculator the only thing to b e
kept in mind is the general logic behind every button click and all the
possibilities that arise to perform the actions of adding, multiplying, dividing
and subtracting.
A few things that is to be kept in mind while
coding for the calculations is :
- Text is able to hold the value respective
to the button clicked.
- When a number of more than single digit is
being used for calculation the text box should be capable of receiving the
complete pack of all the digits of a single number i.e. if "1234" is to be
entered the text box should hold all digits of 1234 rather than a single
digit at a time.
- When operator buttons( +,-,*,/) are
pressed the text box should turn empty to hold next number.
That's pretty much enough to let the
application run well. So lets start with the application. Follow the steps
Step 1 : Create a new WPF project and
name it as "Creating a simple Calculator".
Step 2 : Now In order to give the
calculator a better look select the window form the object and timeline palette
then go to the appearance property and select the Window Style property to None.
This removes the default tools and look of window to a simple one.
Step 3 : Now add buttons to the layout,
for this go to the toolbox or assets and select button and drag it on the
artboard. After adding the button go to the selection tool and re size the button
according to your wish.
Step 4 : After resizing the button hold
the alt button and drag the button to add more button to the artboard, this
actually is the short way of copying the control. You can also select many
buttons and hold alt button and copy all of them. Bring out the below
arrangement of the buttons in your artboard to make it appear more like a
Step 5 : After adding the buttons you
have to name the buttons for ease in reference. For this select the button and
in the property window type the name of the button at the top of the property
window in front of name keyword.
After naming the buttons give the look and feel
to the buttons by editing the color, Gradient, Style, etc property of the
buttons. I have set the properties to make the buttons look up like this :
Step 6 : Add text on all the buttons by
double clicking on the buttons and typing in it the respective number on each
button from 1 - 9 and 0. Also One more important thing is to add an Exit button
to close the application as the window will now not contain any button to close
the application so we have to manually create an exit button. For this add a
button and name it as "Exit", then go to the Event property of the button and on
the Click event type the name (whatever you like to) of the event and press
Enter. The below Figure makes it more clear.
After you press Enter the code behind screen
appears and cursor rests on a method which has the same name as that you typed
in the click event. In this method write this lines, Here the method is
Exitcalculator() :
/// Interaction logic for
public partial
class MainWindow : Window
int i, j;
double sum = 0.0;
char sign;
public MainWindow()
// Insert code required on object
creation below this point.
private void
Exitcalculator(object sender,
System.Windows.RoutedEventArgs e)
// TODO: Add event handler
implementation here.
Step 7 : Now next task to add a textbox
to hold the values for calculation. For this go to to toolbox or assets library
and select a textbox and drag it on the artboard.
Step 8 : Now We have to set some
properties of the text box to make it behave properly as calculator. Go to the
Layout property of the text box after selecting it, in the horizontalcontent alignment select Left button and in veticalcontent alignment select Center
button. This sets the text in the text box to appear from the left and at the center of the text box space.
Step 9 : Now the important work start,
that of adding functionality to the buttons. For this select button displaying
"1" ( here I Have named it as bt1) and name the click event property name it as
"bt1clicked"( since I have named the button as bt1 so bt1clicked and similarly
for bt2 it is bt2clicked) or directly press enter in the click property, the
code behind shows the click method of the button. In this method type the
following line:
sender, System.Windows.RoutedEventArgs e)
// TODO: Add event handler implementation here.
tb.Text = tb.Text + System.Convert.ToString(1);
Do the same for all the buttons displaying
numbers from 0-9. Just change the number in the line "
tb.Text = tb.Text +
" by the button number for example on the button 2 click type the code as
= tb.Text + System.Convert.ToString(2);
On button 3 click it is written as:
= tb.Text + System.Convert.ToString(3);
After adding the button click events to all the buttons You have to declare
variables to hold the values for operation declare these variable at the top and
within the class.
The variables :
i --------> It is an integer variable that holds the value of the
text before the "+ , - , * , /" buttons are pressed.
j --------> It is also an integer variable which holds the value
after the "+ , - , * , /" buttons are pressed.
sum ------> It is a Double type variable that holds the calculated value of
operation and displays this calculated value on click of "="
sign ------> It is a char type variable and stores a special character on click
of every "+ , - , * , /" button to know which operation is to
be performed on the calculator.
Step 10 : Now adding operator
functionality. For this select the "+" button and on the click event method type
the following lines. Do same for other operation button clicked :
Step 11 : The final task is to display
the operation performed on the text box. For this on the "=" button click do the
following code.
sender, System.Windows.RoutedEventArgs e)
//TODO: Add event handler implementation here.
j = System.Convert.ToInt32(tb.Text);
: sum = i+j;
tb.Text = System.Convert.ToString(sum);
: sum = i-j;
tb.Text = System.Convert.ToString(sum);
: sum = i*j;
tb.Text = System.Convert.ToString(sum);
: sum = System.Convert.ToDouble(i)/System.Convert.ToDouble(j);
tb.Text = System.Convert.ToString(sum);
Also add a clear button and on its event
set the text box value to null.
Output : The output of the coding and
designing above is as follows :
On addition : Enter the First No.
Enter the Second Number
Press the + Operator button to perform addition
On Clear button click: The textbox value is cleared
Hope you would have learned how to make a simple calculator in Expression Blend.