Make Remote Computer Visible to Component Services


In this article you will learn how to make a Remote Computer visible to Component Services.

If you have all the necessary permission to access the Remote Computer then you can manage it's COM+ Application and and can monitor it's transaction by using Component Services on your own computer. But before enjoying all these privileges you need to ensure that your Remote Desktop is visible to the Component Services.

For making the Remote Desktop visible you need to use the following procedure.

Step 1

First of all open the "Component Services" from the Start Menu, it will be available under the Administrative Tools.


Now the Component Window will be opened in which you need to right-click on the computer to add a New Computer.


Step 2

Now in the Add Computer you need to click on the "Browse" Button to find the Remote Desktop.


In the selected computer you need to click on the "Advanced" Button.


Step 3

On the next page click on the "Find Now" button to find the remote Computers.


Now a list of all the remote Desktops will be available; from here you can select your Remote System on which you have the access rights, and then click on the "OK" button.


Step 4

On clicking the "Ok" Button you will see in the Select Computer window that your remote Desktop is added here.



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