In this article I describe the PHP string functions htmlspecialchars, implode and join. To learn some other math functions, go to:
- String Functions in PHP: Part1
- String Functions in PHP:Part2
- String Functions in PHP:Part3
- String Functions in PHP:Part4
- String Functions in PHP:Part5
- String Functions in PHP:Part6
PHP htmlspecialchars() Function
The PHP string htmlspecialchars function converts special characters to HTML entities and returns the converted string. It encodes user input on a website, so that the user cannot input harmful HTML codes into a site.
htmlspecialchars (string, quotestyle,character-set) |
Parameters in htmlspecialchars function
The parameters of the htmlspecialchars function are:
Parameter |
Description |
string |
It specifies the string to convert. |
quotestyle |
It specifies how to decode single or double quotes. And the quote styles are:
- ENT_COMPAT - Default. Decodes only double quotes.
- ENT_QUOTES - Decodes double and single quotes.
- ENT_NOQUOTES - Does not decode any quotes.
- ENT_HTML401 - Handle code as HTML 4.01.
- ENT_XML1 - Handle code as XML1.
character-set |
It specifies a string that specifies which character set is used. |
An example of the htmlspecialchars function is:
$convert = "<li><a href=''>We are learning php</a></li>";
echo "Original string : ".$convert;
echo "<br />";
htmlspecialchars("<li><a href=''>We are learning php</a></li>", ENT_QUOTES);
echo "Only HTML special characters : ".htmlspecialchars($convert);
PHP implode() Function
The PHP string implode function converts an array into a string and returns a string representation of all the array elements in the same order.
implode (separator, array) |
Parameter in implode Function
The parameters of the implode function are:
Parameter |
Description |
separator |
It specifies what to put between the array elements. |
array |
It specifies the array to be joined into a string. |
An example of the implode function is:
$arr=array('MCN ','Solution ','at ','India!');
echo implode("",$arr);
PHP join() Function
The PHP string join function is the same as the implode function, it is an alias for the implode function and is also used to add all elements of an array into a single string variable.
Parameter in join function
The parameters of the join function are:
Parameter |
Description |
separator |
It specifies what to put between the array elements. |
array |
It specifies an array to join into a string. |
An example of the join function is:
echo join("-",$arr);