Generate Dynamic Pivot SQL Query

Developers often need to transform table data, convering rows to column or column to rows. We can do that using the SQL Pivoting feature. I am not here to tell you how to use pivot, you can learn about that from the following link:

Pivot Examples in SQL Server

Assume you have data in your table as below.

Table Data

And you want the data to be in the following format, as a summarized report:
Report Format Data

The SQL Script for creating the table and inserting the data above will be displayed as in Figure-1.

USE [tempdb]


CREATE TABLE [dbo].[tblTransaction](

       [TranDate] [date] NULL,   

       [TranAmount] [decimal](18, 2) NULL





INSERT [dbo].[tblTransaction] ([TranDate], [TranAmount])

VALUES ('2013-01-01', CAST(200.00 AS Decimal(18, 2)))

, ('2013-02-01', CAST(235.00 AS Decimal(18, 2)))

, ('2013-02-01', CAST(200.00 AS Decimal(18, 2)))

, ('2013-3-01',  CAST(135.00 AS Decimal(18, 2)))

, ('2014-01-01', CAST(200.00 AS Decimal(18, 2)))

, ('2014-02-01', CAST(225.00 AS Decimal(18, 2)))

, ('2014-02-01', CAST(200.00 AS Decimal(18, 2)))

, ('2013-4-01',  CAST(200.00 AS Decimal(18, 2)))

, ('2013-5-01',  CAST(160.00 AS Decimal(18, 2)))

, ('2013-6-01',  CAST(200.00 AS Decimal(18, 2)))

, ('2013-7-01',  CAST(260.00 AS Decimal(18, 2)))

, ('2014-3-01',  CAST(200.00 AS Decimal(18, 2)))

, ('2014-4-01',  CAST(40.00 AS Decimal(18, 2)))

, ('2013-7-01',  CAST(200.00 AS Decimal(18, 2)))

, ('2013-8-01',  CAST(480.00 AS Decimal(18, 2)))

, ('2014-5-01',  CAST(90.00 AS Decimal(18, 2)))

, ('2014-6-01',  CAST(200.00 AS Decimal(18, 2)))

, ('2014-7-01',  CAST(35.00 AS Decimal(18, 2)))

, ('2013-9-01',  CAST(200.00 AS Decimal(18, 2)))

, ('2013-10-01', CAST(320.00 AS Decimal(18, 2)))

, ('2013-11-01', CAST(140.00 AS Decimal(18, 2)))

, ('2013-11-01', CAST(220.00 AS Decimal(18, 2)))

, ('2014-7-01',  CAST(200.00 AS Decimal(18, 2)))

, ('2014-8-01',  CAST(65.00 AS Decimal(18, 2)))

, ('2014-9-01',  CAST(95.00 AS Decimal(18, 2)))

, ('2014-10-01', CAST(200.00 AS Decimal(18, 2)))

, ('2013-11-01', CAST(350.00 AS Decimal(18, 2)))

, ('2013-12-01', CAST(200.00 AS Decimal(18, 2)))

, ('2013-12-01', CAST(550.00 AS Decimal(18, 2)))

, ('2014-11-01', CAST(385.00 AS Decimal(18, 2)))

, ('2014-11-01', CAST(200.00 AS Decimal(18, 2)))

, ('2014-11-01', CAST(45.00 AS Decimal(18, 2)))

, ('2014-12-01', CAST(75.00 AS Decimal(18, 2)))

, ('2014-12-01', CAST(265.00 AS Decimal(18, 2)))



SELECT year(TranDate) as Year, left(datename(month,TranDate),3) as Month, TranAmount as Amount FROM tblTransaction

The data should be displayed as in the following format:

Display data
You need to write a SQL Script using Pivot but you can generate a SQL Script by executing the following Script for the "tblTransaction" table created above.

USE [tempdb]



SET @columns = N'';


SELECT @columns += N', p.' + QUOTENAME(month)

  FROM (SELECT distinct month(TranDate) as m, left(datename(month,TranDate),3)as [month] FROM dbo.tblTransaction  AS p

  ) AS x;





        year(TranDate) as [year],left(datename(month,TranDate),3)as [month],

        TranAmount as Amount

    FROM tblTransaction

) AS j



  SUM(Amount) FOR [month] IN ('

  + STUFF(REPLACE(@columns, ', p.[', ',['), 1, 1, '')

  + ')

) AS p;';


Print @sql;
When the preceding script is executed you should get the Pivot SQL Script in your SQL Server Management Studio Editor as shown below. Copy and paste then execute the generated script.

Pivot Sql Script
Now enjoy what you have the very easy way!!!! :)
A point of interest: you can modify the script depending on your database records.

USE [tempdb]


Drop Table tblTransaction

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