This article explains what Mixins in Less.js are.
Mixins are variables for the entire declaration block. Mixins are case sensitive. The scope of Mixins is the same as a variable scope. In other words, if you have to make a class in CSS then you can call that class in another class. Let me explain what I mean. Please read my previous article
What less.js Is if you are new to Less.js.
Let's create a class and name it padding. I am using my previous demo files.
- .padding{ width:1000px; height: 40px; padding-top:10px; padding-left:30px;}
- .Div { float:left; font-family: Georgia; font-size : 16px; background-color : @bgcolor; color: #FFF; .padding;}
- .DivOne { float:left; font-family: Georgia; font-size : 20px; background-color:@bgcolor; color: #FFF;
The output is the same as what we expect.
Mixins can accept parameters. Let's make a class and name it font details.
- @bgcolor: red;
- .padding{ width:1000px; height: 40px; padding-top:10px; padding-left:30px;}
- .fontdetails(@fontsize){ font-size:@fontsize; font-family:Georgia;}
- .Div { float:left; background-color : @bgcolor; color: #FFF; .padding; .fontdetails(19px);}
- .DivOne { float:left; background-color:@bgcolor; color: #FFF; .padding; .fontdetails(26px);}
Using the following code we can set the default value in the parameters.
- .fontdetails(@fontsize:14px){ font-size:@fontsize; font-family:Georgia;}
But when setting the default value in the parameters the syntax of the calling method of the class changes.
- .Div { float:left; background-color : @bgcolor; color: #FFF; .padding;.fontdetails;}
The output is what we expect.
@arguments will select all parameters that we declared. Don't make variables named arguments.
Let me explain what I mean. Suppose I have made a class with 3 parameters and name it a border and call this class in the DivOne class.
- .border(@size,@type,@color){border:@arguments;}
- .DivOne { float:left; background-color:@bgcolor; color: #FFF; .padding;.fontdetails(26px); .border(3px,solid,black);}
I hope this article is helpful to you.
Thanks :)