Open Folder
In the Open Folder Menu click event I get all the images from the selected folderpath using Folder.GetFiles() method, and checking for the images files from the selected folder. Using loadImagestoPanel() all the images are added to a pictuerbox and finally all the picturebox are added to the Panel control.
The details of the Open folder menu click event:
private void openFolderToolStripMenuItem_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
DirectoryInfo Folder;
FileInfo[] Images;
this.folderBrowserDlg.RootFolder = System.Environment.SpecialFolder.MyComputer;
this.folderBrowserDlg.ShowNewFolderButton = false;
DialogResult result = this.folderBrowserDlg.ShowDialog();
if (result == DialogResult.OK)
Folder = new DirectoryInfo(folderBrowserDlg.SelectedPath);
Images = Folder.GetFiles();
int locnewX = locX;
int locnewY = locY;
foreach (FileInfo img in Images)
if (img.Extension.ToLower() == ".png" || img.Extension.ToLower() == ".jpg" || img.Extension.ToLower() == ".gif" || img.Extension.ToLower() == ".jpeg" || img.Extension.ToLower() == ".bmp" || img.Extension.ToLower() == ".tif")
if (locnewX >= pnControls.Width - sizeWidth - 10)
locnewX = locX;
locY = locY + sizeHeight + 30;
locnewY = locY;
locnewY = locY;
loadImagestoPanel(img.Name, img.FullName, locnewX,locnewY);
locnewY = locY + sizeHeight + 10;
locnewX = locnewX + sizeWidth + 10;
The detail Folder Images are added to the panel function.
In this function get the Imagename, Path, image XLocation and image YLocation. Create a pictuerbox at runtime and add all pictuerboxes to the panel controls.
private void loadImagestoPanel(String imageName,String ImageFullName,int newLocX,int newLocY)
PictureBox ctrl = new PictureBox();
ctrl.Image = Image.FromFile(ImageFullName);
ctrl.BackColor = Color.Black;
ctrl.Location = new Point(newLocX, newLocY);
ctrl.Size = new System.Drawing.Size(sizeWidth, sizeHeight);
ctrl.SizeMode = PictureBoxSizeMode.StretchImage;
ctrl.MouseMove += new MouseEventHandler(control_MouseMove);
I have added a MouseMove event for all Pictuerbox controls. In this MouseMove Event I displayed the image to the preview Image Pictuerbox.
private void control_MouseMove(object sender, MouseEventArgs e)
Control control = (Control)sender;
PictureBox pic = (PictureBox)control;
pictureBox1.Image = pic.Image;
Image Icon Size Change
Here I have 4 menu buttons for Small, Medium, Large and Extra Large. In this button click event I set the pictuerbox height and width and reload all the pictuerboxes with the new size added. The detailed code is listed below.
private void toolStripButton4_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
locX = 20;
locY = 10;
sizeWidth = 30;
sizeHeight = 30;
if (pnControls.Controls.Count > 0)
private void loadControls()
int locnewX = locX;
int locnewY = locY;
foreach (Control p in pnControls.Controls)
if (locnewX >= pnControls.Width - sizeWidth - 10)
locnewX = locX;
locY = locY + sizeHeight + 30;
locnewY = locY;
locnewY = locY;
p.Location = new Point(locnewX, locnewY);
p.Size = new System.Drawing.Size(sizeWidth, sizeHeight);
locnewY = locY + sizeHeight + 10;
locnewX = locnewX + sizeWidth + 10;