I was working on a project where a requirement was to bind a yes/no radio button pair to a boolean observable; but while implementing found that knockout's two way "data-bind" do not play nicely with boolean type observables.
The solution lies in JQuery's "Custom Handler", present to you the simple, clean and yet effective approach:
Have a custom handler as follows:
/// This binding is used to bind a pair of radio buttons to a boolean observable
ko.bindingHandlers.trueFalseRadioButton =
init: function (element, valueAccessor, allBindingsAccessor, viewModel, bindingContext)
// event handler for the element change event
var changeHandler = function ()
var elementValue = $(element).val();
var observable = valueAccessor(); // set the observable value to the boolean value of the element value
}; // register change handler for element
update: function (element, valueAccessor, allBindingsAccessor, viewModel, bindingContext)
var elementValue = $.parseJSON($(element).val());
var observableValue = ko.utils.unwrapObservable(valueAccessor()); if (elementValue === observableValue)
element.checked = true;
element.checked = false;
In your HTML do following:
<input type="radio" name="yesno" value="true" data-bind="trueFalseRadioButton: YourObservableName" />
<input type="radio" name="yesno" value="false" data-bind="trueFalseRadioButton: YourObservableName" />
And done.. simple!!. This enables a pair of radio button to have two way binding using knockout.
Hope that would help somebody.