Chirpy - VS Add In For Handling CSS, JS, DotLess and T4 Files


We generally write a Httphandler to remove white space from a CSS and JS file or we use minifies versions of CSS and JS files. Like in jQuery they give us a min version of a JS file. 

Now we don't need to write any external utility to remove white space because now we have Chirpy, which is a Visual Studio Add-in for handling CSS, JS, DotLess and T4 files. 

Now let me try to explain how to use this add in. 

Step 1

First go to or and download and install it.


Step 2

See in the following image, there is much white space:



Now we will try to remove it using Chirpy.

Step 3

Add a new config file inside the content folder. The file name would be 
Bundle.chirp.config and the content will be:



<?xmlversion="1.0"encoding="utf-8" ?>



    <FilePath="Site.less" />




When you create the bundle file and filegroup and file path all are correct and then it will automatically generate it. It will look like:



Now you can see as in the following image that all white space has been removed from the CSS:


Note: You can use the same bundle file for JS also.

Happy Coding.

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