Singleton Pattern

Singleton Pattern:- A design pattern used in application when we need to restrict instantiation of a class to one object.

In following example, we have a Winform application. We need to maintain global variable. For it we create a singleton class and access it throughout application.

--------------Singleton Class------------



    private string userName;

    private string passWord;

    private int patientID;


    private static cGlobalVariable objcGlobalVariable;

    private cGlobalVariable()



    public string UserName


        get { return userName; }

        set { userName = value; }


    public string Password


        get { return passWord; }

        set { passWord = value; }


    public int PatientID


        get { return patientID; }

        set { patientID = value; }


    public static cGlobalVariable GetInstance()


        if (objcGlobalVariable == null)


            objcGlobalVariable = new cGlobalVariable();


        return objcGlobalVariable;




-----------Use of Singleton class in Window form--------------

public partial class Form1 : Form


    public Form1()





    private void button1_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)


        cGlobalVariable objcGlobalVariable = cGlobalVariable.GetInstance();

        label1.Text = objcGlobalVariable.UserName;

        objcGlobalVariable.PatientID = 572;



    private void button2_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)


        cGlobalVariable objcGlobalVariable = cGlobalVariable.GetInstance();

        label2.Text = objcGlobalVariable.PatientID.ToString();



    private void Form1_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)


        cGlobalVariable objcGlobalVariable = cGlobalVariable.GetInstance();

        objcGlobalVariable.UserName = "Amit Dhania";



Above code give simple way to use singleton pattern in application where we can keep static variable values available throughout application.