This is a trial to print Invoice with VB.Net, this project lets you know:
- How to create a report using
PrintPreviewDialog control and PrintDocument control?
- How to draw Invoice head?
- How to draw the table of products and its
- How to compute and draw Invoice total?
You can read my article about
How to use C# to print Invoice.
My Project has three Forms:
- frmInvoice: to bind DataGrid with
all Orders from Northwind database file.
- frmInput: to choose one Order
which you want to print its Invoice.
- frmOrder: to display Invoice on
DataGrid, then you can Print Preview or Print the Invoice as Report.
Also, we need three classes for printing:
System.Windows.Forms.PrintDialog, System.Windows.Forms.PrintPreviewDialog and
Of course you can use any database file instead Northwind.mdb and change my code
to connect with your database file, also you can change my SQL string to bind
DataGrid with data.
About the Code
Bind the DataGrid in frmInvoice form with all Orders:
Bind the DataGrid in
frmOrder form with one Order:
'InvoiceOrder is the number of Order which you
Dim intOrder
As Integer = Int32.Parse(InvoiceOrder)
Dim MyDataFile As
String = Application.StartupPath & "\DataFile\Northwind.mdb"
Dim MyPass As String
= ""
Dim strCon As String
= "provider=microsoft.jet.oledb.4.0;data source=" _
& MyDataFile & ";" & "Jet OLEDB:Database Password=" & MyPass & ";"
' Get Invoice Data:
InvSql = "SELECT [Order Details].ProductID, " _
& "Products.ProductName, [Order Details].UnitPrice, " _
& "[Order Details].Quantity, [Order Details].Discount, " _
& "CCur([Order Details].UnitPrice*[Quantity]*(1-[Discount])/100)*100 " _
& "AS ExtendedPrice " _
& "FROM Products INNER JOIN [Order Details] " _
& "ON Products.ProductID=[Order Details].ProductID " _
& "WHERE [Order Details].OrderID = " & intOrder
' create an OleDbDataAdapter
Dim datAdp
As OleDbDataAdapter =
New OleDbDataAdapter(InvSql, strCon)
' create a command builder
Dim cBuilder
As OleDbCommandBuilder =
New OleDbCommandBuilder(datAdp)
' create a DataTable to hold the query results
Dim dTable
As DataTable = New
' fill the DataTable
' Create a TableStyle to format Datagrid
Dim tableStyle As
DataGridTableStyle = New DataGridTableStyle
For Each dc As
DataColumn In dTable.Columns
Dim txtColumn As
DataGridTextBoxColumn = New
txtColumn.MappingName = dc.ColumnName
txtColumn.HeaderText = dc.Caption
Select Case (dc.ColumnName.ToString())
Case "ProductID"
' Product ID
txtColumn.HeaderText = "Product ID"
txtColumn.Width = 60
Case "ProductName"
' Product Name
txtColumn.HeaderText = "Product Name"
txtColumn.Width = 110
Case "UnitPrice"
' Unit Price
txtColumn.HeaderText = "Unit Price"
txtColumn.Format = "0.00"
txtColumn.Alignment = HorizontalAlignment.Right
txtColumn.Width = 60
Case "Discount"
' Discount
txtColumn.HeaderText = "Discount"
txtColumn.Format = "p" 'percent
txtColumn.Alignment = HorizontalAlignment.Right
txtColumn.Width = 60
Case "Quantity"
' Quantity
txtColumn.HeaderText = "Quantity"
txtColumn.Alignment = HorizontalAlignment.Right
txtColumn.Width = 50
Case "ExtendedPrice"
' Extended Price
txtColumn.HeaderText = "Extended Price"
txtColumn.Format = "0.00"
txtColumn.Alignment = HorizontalAlignment.Right
txtColumn.Width = 90
End Select
tableStyle.MappingName = dTable.TableName
' set DataSource of DataGrid
ordGrid.DataSource = dTable.DefaultView
Catch ex As
End Try
Declare and initialize three
instances for printing:\
1. Get Left Margin, Right
Margin, Top Margin, Bottom Margin, Report Width and Report Height:
2. Set Font and Color:
3. Set Font Height and Font
Width and coordinate then use DrawString method:
The project has several pieces of code in three forms, please read
the code then run the program to see the result.
If you have any idea or if you find any problems please tell me.