How To Add An Image To a Title Bar


This article shows how to add an image to the title bar of your website.

To explain this functionality I will create an empty website with a web form in the website. Use the following procedure to do that.

Step 1: Create an ASP.NET empty website named "ImageInTitle".

Step 2 : Add a web form named "Default.aspx" to it.

The page will look like:

Purpose: I want add an image in the title bar of the page or entire website as in the following running page.

Solution: You can do this with an ".ico" image file.

1. Create an ".ico" image file; I am using the "My_Icon.ico" image file.

2. Add the Image file into the website and also add the link tag to the "head" section of the page.

γ€€γ€€γ€€γ€€<link rel="shortcut icon" href="My_Icon.ico" />

Note: You can add this link tag into your master page or header page that you are using in the website as a common control.

3. After adding the ".ico" file into your website run the page in various browsers.

Internet Explorer

Mozilla Firefox

Google Chrome


I have demonstrated how to add an image to the title bar of your web page or website.

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