Roles and Services of SharePoint Server 2016

As an alternative to the traditional Farm design, Microsoft SharePoint topologies can be designed to optimize system resources and to maximize performance for users.

Roles and Services in SharePoint 2013

The following diagram shows the roles classified in SharePoint 2013.

Roles and Services in SharePoint 2016

There are three roles in 2016. Any request initiated by the user is processed by the machine and  designated as User Role or Web Server. In 2013, a request is initiated by the end user used to arrive at the Web Front End Server and that is in turn processed by the batch processing server. This is returned to the user and includes latency to the request. This latency is addressed in SharePoint 2016 by processing any request to the end user using the User Role Server. Any request that is not initiated by the end user, such as Timer Job, Search, and so on is processed by Robert Server. In SharePoint 2016, an end user request is managed end-to-end by a single machine. The Caching Services role provides support for Distributed Caching.

MinRole Roles and Services

A more detailed diagram of Roles and Services can be obtained from the following diagram.
MinRole can be configured using the following two options. 
  •  Using Power Shell
  •  Using UI

For the SharePoint Health Analyzer for MinRole enforcement, the health rule will scan each server in the Farm daily, but scans all roles except for SpecialLoad. This also compares Service Instances on the server for the expected configuration.

You have an option to use 2013 roles or options for using MinRole Topology in SharePoint 2016.