In this article I show you how to add the two controls "Textbox" & "Button" at runtime.
So first of all we will see how you can create an objects of those controls:
-> TextBox mytxt = new TextBox();
-> Button mybtn = new Button();
Using the above two lines it will create an object for "Textbox" & "Button" respectively.
After that we will add those controls into the form using the code shown below:
-> this.Controls.Add(mytxt);
-> this.Controls.Add(mybtn);
That will add "mytxt" & "mybtn" to your form.
After that you must set the location of the controls on the form:
-> mytxt.Location=new Point(10, 10);
-> mybtn.Location = new Point(10, 40);
Here you can set your own location which you want to show on the form.
Here Textbox will display at X-coordinate & Y-coordinate as 10.
And or button X-coordinate as 10 & Y-coordinate as 40.
After that set the value which will display on button.
-> mybtn.Text = "My Custom Button";
The above code is the basic part; now the main thing of this article is how you can add events of new added controls? Right?
-> mytxt.MouseHover += new EventHandler(mytxt_MouseHover);
-> mybtn.Click += new EventHandler(mybtn_Click);
Here I add one event for Textbox & another event for Button.
I add "MouseHover" event for the Texbox & "Click" event for the Button, but you can add your event from the list…
You can add another event for the list as shown in the image below:
One more thing to keep in mind is that you can write your own event method name instead of "mytxt_MouseHover" and "mybtn_Click", but it is a good practice to use the name as I use.
After that you can define your event like shown below:
void mytxt_MouseHover(object sender, EventArgs e)
//write here your logic for Textbox MouseHover Event…
Another thing is that whatever you use for your event method name, that name must match the method name used in the definition.
See the following image for a clearer understanding:
Main code :
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.ComponentModel;
using System.Data;
using System.Drawing;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;
using System.Windows.Forms;
using System.Data.SqlClient;
namespace AddControlAndItsEventsAtRuntime
public partial class Form1 : Form
public Form1()
//create new object of the textbox...
TextBox mytxt = new TextBox();
//add new custom textbox to form...
//Set the location of textbox on to form...
mytxt.Location=new Point(10, 10);
//Add new Mouse Hover event for the textbox...
mytxt.MouseHover += new EventHandler(mytxt_MouseHover);
//create new object of the Button...
Button mybtn = new Button();
//add new custom Button to form...
//Set the location of Button on to form...
mybtn.Location = new Point(10, 30);
//Set Text To Button....
mybtn.Text = "My Custom Button";
//Add new click event for the Button...
mybtn.Click += new EventHandler(mybtn_Click);
//New added textbox Mouse Hover evnet function definition...
void mytxt_MouseHover(object sender, EventArgs e)
MessageBox.Show("mytxt Mouse Hover Event....");
//New added Button Click evnet function definition...
void mybtn_Click(Object sender, EventArgs e)
MessageBox.Show("mybtn Click Event....");
The output of that is like below :
-> On MouseHover Event it will change the background color of the form to "LightGreen"...
-> on button "Click" event it will display MessageBox...
I hope this article is helpful for coders...