In this article, you will learn how to report or lock the new bug in testing using the Microsoft Test Manager 2010.
To maintain the quality of a product, most companies use the defect tracking tool for the defect management in testing. Microsoft Test Manager also has all the necessary features for tracking and verifying the bugs.
However if the tester finds any bug in the application, he/she can report the bug(s) or lock the new bug(s) using the Microsoft Test Manager 2010.
Steps for Reporting the new bug or defect:
- Click on the "Verify Bugs" button under the "Test" Tab. The Verify Bugs dashboard opens.
- Click on "New" below the "Verify Bugs" text
Click on "New" button on the right side. A DropDownList displays.
Then click on the "New "button.
Click to see in large view
- A page displays for reporting the "New Bug". Refer to the following screen shot:
Click to see in large view
- The Tester is required to fill in all the mandatory fields with a proper description and an attachment based on Priority, Severity, build version and assigns the defect to the concerned person.
- Click on the "Save and Close" Button. The Bug will be saved and the Bug Description box would be closed.
- However the bug or defect is saved. A unique bug Id is generated for the specific bug. The Tester can track the status of that bug until it is fixed.
Click to see in large view