Consume RESTful Service Using jQuery in Two Simple Steps

jQuery can simplify the AJAX call for a RESTful service. So, when we need to consume a RESTful service and then rendering the received XML/JSON data in a Web Application, jQuery automatically becomes a good option.

In this WCF tutorial, we will call a simple RESTful service using a GET request and then display the received data. Since its a continuation of my previous article, I am will not create a new RESTful service now. Please go through my last article "5 simple steps to create your first RESTful service", I will call the same service I created there.

As in the above article, I created a project using Visual Studio 2010 named "MyRESTService". So, we will add a new client project to the same existing solution.

1. Add client project to the same solution.

  • Open the solution MyRESTService in Visual Studio.
  • Add new project to this solution using "File" -> "New Project". Choose the "ASP.NET Web Application" template.
  • Name the project as "MyRESTClient".
  • Choose "Add to Solution" in the solution dropdown and press "OK" button.


You can now see two projects under a solution. MyRESTService project and the new MyRESTClient project.


2. We will call that existing service using jQuery's Ajax function in our MyRESTClient project.

  • Add a new ASP.NET WebForm page to the client project and name it "MyRESTServiceCaller.aspx".

  •  Add a reference to the jQuery Library from Scripts.

    <script src="Scripts/jquery-1.4.1.min.js" type="text/javascript"></script>

  • Add a table to the HTML body to contain the contents rendered from the RESTful service.


    <!-- Make a Header Row -->


         <td><b>Product Id</b></td>






  • Add the following jQuery code snippets in a script tag for calling the service and rendering the returned XML data.

    <script type="text/javascript">

    $(document).ready(function () {


            type: "GET",

            url: "http://localhost/MyRESTService/ProductRESTService.svc/GetProductList/",

            dataType: "xml",

            success: function (xml) {

                $(xml).find('Product').each(function () {

                    var id = $(this).find('ProductId').text();

                    var name = $(this).find('Name').text();

                    var price = $(this).find('Price').text();

                    var category = $(this).find('CategoryName').text();


                    $('<tr><td>' + id + '</td><td>' + name + '</td><td>' + price + '</td><td>' +

                    category + '</td></tr>').appendTo('#products');



            error: function (xhr) {






The jQuery Ajax function basically performs an asynchronous HTTP request with parameters, as I mentioned in bold.

  • type is the request method. Possible values can be GET, POST, DELETE, PUT and so on. Here we are making a "GET" request.

  • URL represents a resource on web. In our case we are providing a service URL.

  • datatype specifies the type of data returned from server, in other words XML, text, HTML, script, JSON, JSONP.

  • success is the callback function that will be invoked when the request is completed.

  • error is also a callback function that will be called in case of request failure.

When you run the application, it will call the service, the data is fetched and displayed in a tabular format as shown in the following figure.


Now, hopefully, you can create a simple WCF RESTful service and consume it using jQuery as well. My next article will contain all Create, Read, Update, Delete (CRUD) operations for the RESTful service.

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