Step 1: Connect the Arduino Uno board to the pc using a USB cable.
Step 2: Fix LEDs and potentiometer in the bread board
Step 3:
Step 4: Connect the potentiometer to the Arduino Board as in the preceding figure 1.
Step 5: Potentiometer
Centre leads to
Analog 0 pin in Arduino Board.
Step 6: Fix the 2 red LEDs in the bread board, then commonly connect the positive pins (+) together and negative pins (-) together.
Step 7: Take an
Anode pin to digital pin 11 and Cathode to gnd.
Step 8: Fix the 2 blue LEDs in the bread board, and then connect the positive pins (+) together and negative pins (-) together.
Step 9: Take an
Anode pin to digital pin 12 and Cathode to gnd.