In this article I have explained how to create a content source for search service application.
Please follow my previous article shows how to configure search service application in SharePoint 2013.
Open SharePoint central administration. Click on manage service application under Application management. Click Search Service Application. Now click on content sources under crawling in the right side margin. Now in this page you are able to see the default content sources and here I am going to create a custom content source for search service application. Click new content sources. Provide the name for the content sources. Content source type will be default “SharePoint Sites”. In the start address box provide the web application url for crawling the site and its contents. Copy the url and paste into the start address box. For crawl settings provide the same default. “Crawl everything under the hostname for each start address” it will help you to crawl the information under hostname for all the site collections. Crawl schedule will be default “Enable continuous crawl”. Click Ok so now the content source created successfully. Now Start Full Crawl. Now open the crawl log and content has been successfully crawled.
SharePoint Framework (SPFx) A Developers Guide