Create A Search Service Application Part- 3 (People search)

Please follow the following articles published by me showing how to create a search service application and content sources in SharePoint 2013.

After configuring search application the normal search engine works, but people search do not work.

Here I will explain about how to refrain from this problem.

Now I am going to create an enterprise search center site.

enterprise search center site

Now the enterprise search center has been created successfully.

enterprise search center

Open the site.

Search for some documents it works perfect.

Search for some documents

So now I am going to search for people.

search for people

Its showing nothing matches your site.

Now open SharePoint central administration page.

Open Search service application.

Open content sources.

Click on create new content source.

create new content source

Before creating a content source for people search.

Create a root site collection under hostname.

Click create site collection.

create site collection

So now the root site collection has been create successfully.

site collection

Create a content source for searching people.

content sourc

Add SharePoint protocol handler for searching people.

Use http://winserver/

Instead of http: add sps3:

Now the host name url looks like the following:



Click Ok to complete.

Click Ok to complete

New content source has been created successfully.

Click on content source and start full crawl.

Open the crawl log then check if any error occurs. Crawled successfully!


Now let us search “vinodh ” again.


It works like a charm!