In this article I am displaying a record from a database table in a DataGridView and searching the records in a DataGridView. At first we should have a database with some
records. In this example my Database name is "student" and Database table name
is "student_detail" which has some records. I will bind these records with
DataGridView and perform a different operation.
- Take a Windows Forms Application.
- Take some UI controls and arrange them like in the following figure.
Write the following code:
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.ComponentModel;
using System.Data;
using System.Drawing;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;
using System.Windows.Forms;
using System.Data.SqlClient;
namespace searchingrecord
public partial
class Form1
: Form
public Form1()
SqlDataAdapter dadapter;
DataSet dsset;
CurrencyManager cmgr;
DataRowView drv;
string connatring =
private void
Form1_Load(object sender,
EventArgs e)
dadapter = new
* from student_detail", connatring);
dsset = new
dataGridView1.DataSource = dsset.Tables[0];
cmgr = (CurrencyManager)dataGridView1.BindingContext[dsset.Tables[0]];
private void
btnfirst_Click(object sender,
EventArgs e)
cmgr.Position = 0;
drv = (DataRowView)cmgr.Current;
txtrollno.Text = drv.Row[0].ToString();
txtname.Text = drv.Row[1].ToString();
txtcity.Text = drv.Row[2].ToString();
private void
btnnext_Click(object sender,
EventArgs e)
if (cmgr.Position != cmgr.Count)
cmgr.Position += 1;
drv = (DataRowView)cmgr.Current;
txtrollno.Text = drv.Row[0].ToString();
txtname.Text = drv.Row[1].ToString();
txtcity.Text = drv.Row[2].ToString();
private void
btnprevious_Click(object sender,
EventArgs e)
if (cmgr.Position != 0)
cmgr.Position -= 1;
drv = (DataRowView)cmgr.Current;
txtrollno.Text = drv.Row[0].ToString();
txtname.Text = drv.Row[1].ToString();
txtcity.Text = drv.Row[2].ToString();
private void
btnlast_Click(object sender,
EventArgs e)
cmgr.Position = cmgr.Count;
drv = (DataRowView)cmgr.Current;
txtrollno.Text = drv.Row[0].ToString();
txtname.Text = drv.Row[1].ToString();
txtcity.Text = drv.Row[2].ToString();
private void
btnsearch_Click(object sender,
EventArgs e)
DataView dview =
new DataView(dsset.Tables[0]);
dview.Sort = "rollno";
int i =
if (i < 0)
Recods Found");
cmgr.Position = i;
drv = (DataRowView)cmgr.Current;
txtrollno.Text = drv.Row[0].ToString();
txtname.Text = drv.Row[1].ToString();
txtcity.Text = drv.Row[2].ToString();
catch (Exception)
Run the application.
I am giving a short descriptive image of the output window below.
Click the ">" button. The selected row will be moved to the
next row in the DataGridView as well as the record will be displayed in the TextBoxes.
Similarly, click other buttons (such as First, Last or
Previous) to move to another record. You can search for a record on the basis
of the roll number of the student. For example I found a record for the student whose "rollno" is
Click the "Search" button. It will select the
appropriate row in DataGridView as will as show record in TextBox.
Here are some related resources