Software that suits Automated Test Life Cycle Methodology


Software / System Test Automation is attentive on using automated test tools to ensure stability. Automated software test tools contain a scripting language that allows a high number of test cases to be automated, permitting a huge number of test cases to be done in a shorter time.

Why we need to choose to Automate Tests

An enhancement analysis determines that automated testing should be introduced:

  1. When the software has determined that its current testing program is not effective.

  2. When the result of software requirements analysis has been conducted and the outcome has shown that the current manual testing process requires improvement.

  3. To ensure the stability of the software by a more repeatable and less error prone testing approach.

Benefits of Automated Testing

Automated testing can provide numerous benefits when it is implemented correctly and follows a rigorous process. Three significant benefits are:

  1. Production of Reliable Software.
  2. Improvement of the quality of the test effort.
  3. Reduction of the test effort and minimization of the schedule.

Requirements Specification

Test Engineers become involved early on this life cycle, from the start throughout all phases to build a software. And requirements establish the reference point from which test requirements are defined and against which test success is recorded.

The functional specifications should be evaluated using the following cases.


The process of evaluating the amount to which the functional requirement is methodically defined.


It will ensure that each functional requirement does not deny other requirements.


Process of evaluate the amount to which a functional requirement can actually be implemented with the available technology, hardware specifications, budget and timeline with engineer skill levels.


The process of evaluating the amount to which a test method can prove that a requirement has been an implementation success.

Process Hierarchy

The following things are the process hierarchal phases of an Automated Test Life Cycle:

  1. Automation Decision
  2. Tool Purchase / Selection
  3. Overview of Automated Testing
  4. Test planning, Design and Development
  5. Execution and Management of Automated Test
  6. Process Evaluation and Improvement

Types of Testing Tools

Tool for Test Management

It supports this life cycle by helping with the planning, managing, execution and analysis of reports.

Testing Tool for Functionality check

Here it is used to test the functionality of software that includes a record and playback feature that allows the test engineer to record, modify and playback automated scripts across many settings. It also provides a recording ability that is usually bundled with a comparator using an image as the default that automatically compares the actual image with the expected image by processing the images and logs the result.

Testing Tool for Response

It can be programmed to run several of virtual users concurrently to load the application and measure its time to respond. It also involves several scenarios to analyze how the software responds under various load levels.

Data Generators

It helps to generate Test Data that can be used for all testing phases, for functional testing, volume testing and stress testing.

Tool for tracking defects

It is a system for documenting all the defects that are come across throughout the SDLC. The documentation of defects helps testing and quality assurance actions.

Tool to Monitor Network issues

Performance of the network as well as the overall software performance and functionality across the entire network.

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