Automation Approach and Its Advantages


Automated testing can provide numerous benefits when it is implemented correctly and follows a rigorous process. The three significant benefits are:

  • Production of Reliable Software.
  • Improvement of the quality of the test effort.
  • Reduction of the test effort and minimization of the schedule.


The following things are the approaches of Automation Testing.

  • Examine the Automation work
  • Examine the Reuse potential of units
  • Concentrate on Repetitive work
  • Focus Automation on Data-Driven work
  • Consider the Test Tool's abilities
  • Test Requirements based on risk
  • Test Design standards

Infrastructure of Automation Approach

The infrastructure of an automation is based on the application of test automation to a project, including the development of test cases or the handling of automated test tool-generated test programs and is best supported by a library of reusable functions. Also the development and maintenance of this is a key component to any long-term test automation program. Its implementation generally requires a test team group structure that supports the test team across multiple projects using the following things.

  • Driven of table test automation
  • System environment setup scripts
  • Automated recording options
  • Enter function
  • Exit function
  • Navigation function
  • Verifying GUI standards function
  • Smoke Test
  • Error-logging routines
  • Help function verification script
  • Timed message boxes function
  • Advanced math functions

White box testing approach in Automation

Here in White Box testing, it is automatically executed using the application testing tools. It guarantees that all the individual paths within a module have been exercised at least one time. And it will make all the logical decisions on their Boolean sides. It performs all the loops at their boundaries and within their bounds. It also does internal data structures to ensure their validity uses the following techniques.

  • Fault insertion
  • String testing
  • Error handling
  • Coverage of Statement
  • Coverage of Decision
  • Coverage of Condition
  • Coverage of Path
  • Coverage of Test data flow
  • Memory Usage
  • Code Complexity

The preceding cases will be carried out using the following tools.

  • Tools for Coding
  • Tools for GUI and Server Testing
  • Tools for Error Handling
  • Static and Dynamic analyzers
  • Tools for Coverage Analysis
  • Tools for Data modeling
  • Editor for Flow diagram
  • Tools for Memory usage

Black Box Testing Approach in Automation

Black Box testing has a set of inputs that will perform all the functional requirements of a system.

  • Finding incorrect or missing functionality
  • Detecting interface errors
  • Checks usability problems
  • Checks errors in data structures
  • Detect performance degradation problems
  • Loading errors
  • Finding Multi-user across errors
  • Backup and recovery problems
  • Check security problems
  • Perform equivalence partitioning
  • Check boundary value analysis
  • Cause-effect grouping
  • Perform random Testing
  • Perform error guessing
  • Regression Testing
  • Stress Testing
  • Concurrency Testing
  • Replication Testing
  • Data integrity Testing
  • Unit Testing
  • Volume Testing
  • Backup and recoverability testing
  • Configuration testing
  • Performance testing
  • Functional testing
  • Security Testing
  • Operational Readiness Testing
  • User acceptance Testing
  • Usability Testing

Automated Test Tools for black box testing

  • Tools for GUI Test tools
  • Tools for GUI/Server Test tools
  • Tools for load test tools
  • Tools for data Analysis tools
  • Tools for multi platform test tools
  • Tools for security test tools
  • Tools for benchmarking test tools
  • Tools for usability measurement tools

Role of Automation in Tracking Defects

A Role should find the priority of a defect by assigning a unique identifier to each defect that links each problem to the applicable test process as well as to a specific application build and logs the date on which the defect was reported. Also logs the date on which the defect was assigned to an application developer with the date on which the defect was updated and identifies the developer assigned to the defect the engineer who reported the defect.


Automation testing is a time-saver compared to manual testing. And software testing can easily be repetitive after every change in automated Testing. Automated Testing tools write test drivers that can run automatically and produce a test report with accurate details.

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