The HTML <style> tag is used for declaring style sheets
within your HTML document. Each HTML document can contain multiple <style> tags.
The below code defines the style.
- background-color: color name or code
- background-image=url(imagename)
- font-family: font name
- font-size: number unit ->units can be px, pt, mm,
cm, in
- font-weight:bold | bolder
- text-decoration:underline | none
- position: absolute | relative
- color: color name or code
- left=x
- top=y
- cursor: hand | crosshair
When a browser reads a style sheet, it will format the
document according to it.
HTML tags can contain one or more attributes. Attributes are added to a tag to provide the browser with more information about how the tag should appear or behave. Attributes consist of a name and a value separated by an equals (=)
sign, with the value surrounded by double-quotes.
There are 3 kinds of attributes that you can add to your
HTML tags: Element-specific, global, and event handler content attributes. The attributes that you can add to this tag are listed below.
Element-Specific Attributes
The following table shows the attributes that are specific to this tag/element.
Attributes Introduced by
Attributes |
Description |
type |
Specifies the style sheet
language as a content-type (MIME type). |
media |
Specifies the device that
the styles apply to. It must be a valid media query.
Possible values:
speech |
scoped |
The scoped attribute
specifies the style apply only for the style element's parent element and the parent element's children. Not the whole document. |
Global Attributes
The following attributes are standard across all HTML 5 tags.
Global Attributes
accesskey |
draggable |
style |
class |
hidden |
tabindex |
dir |
spellcheck |
contenteditable |
id |
title |
contextmenu |
lang |
Event Handler Content Attributes
Here are the standard HTML 5 event handler content
onabort |
onerror* |
onmousewheel |
onblur* |
onfocus* |
onpause |
oncanplay |
onformchange |
onplay |
oncanplaythrough |
onforminput |
onplaying |
onchange |
oninput |
onprogress |
onclick |
oninvalid |
onratechange |
oncontextmenu |
onkeydown |
onreadystatechange |
ondblclick |
onkeypress |
onscroll |
ondrag |
onkeyup |
onseeked |
ondragend |
onload* |
onseeking |
ondragenter |
onloadeddata |
onselect |
ondragleave |
onloadedmetadata |
onshow |
ondragover |
onloadstart |
onstalled |
ondragstart |
onmousedown |
onsubmit |
ondrop |
onmousemove |
onsuspend |
ondurationchange |
onmouseout |
ontimeupdate |
onemptied |
onmouseover |
onvolumechange |
onended |
onmouseup |
onwaiting |
Types of Cascading Style Sheets (CSS): There are
three types of CSS.
- Inline CSS
- Internal CSS
- External CSS
Inline CSS: Inline CSS means applying the code
directly on tags using the STYLE attribute.
For example:
- <body><form id="form1" runat="server"><div><p style="background-color:Black;color:Yellow">Hello</p><h1 style="font-size:1in;color:red">Hi</h1></div></form></body>
Internal CSS: Internal CSS means applying the codes on the specified tags or create a named style that can be applied to any kind of tag. Such styles are created in <STYLE> tag under <HEAD> section. To create the named styles use. along with some name called as class name. Use
CLASS attribute on tags to apply that class.
For example:
- <head runat="server">
- <title>Untitled Page</title>
- <style type="text/css">
- p {
- color: blue;
- font-size: 12pt;
- }
- A {
- text-decoration: none;
- }
- A:hover {
- color: red;
- }
- .btn {
- cursor: hand;
- }
- </style>
- </head>
- <body>
- <form id="form1" runat="server">
- <div>
- <p>%</p>
- <p>ass<span class="btn">aa</span>sfasfasdf</p>
- <a href="">
- asdf</a><br />
- <a href="">
- as</a><br />
- dfas<br />
- df<br />
- asf<br />
- <input id="Button1" style="z-index: 100; left: 192px; position: absolute; top: 64px"
- type="button" value="button" class="btn" onclick="return Button1_onclick()" />
External CSS: An external style sheet is ideal when the style is applied to many pages. With an external style sheet, you can change the look of an entire Web site by changing one file. Each page must link to the style sheet using the <link> tag. The <link> tag goes inside the <head>
- <LINK href="filename.css" rel="stylesheet">add the following code in mylibrary.css file.body {
- background-color: Aqua;
- }
- .testing {
- font-family: Arial;
- font-size: 16px;
- background-color: #FF00FF;
- border-style: dotted;
- }
- #first {
- }
- Now using file code. <html ><head ><title>Untitled Page</title><style type="text/css">#abc {
- color: Red;
- background-color: blue;
- }
- .xyz {
- color: Yellow;
- background-color: Black;
- }</style><link href="MyLibrary.css" rel="Stylesheet" /> </head><body><form id="form1" runat="server"><div><h1 id="abc">Hello to all</h1><p class="xyz">Welcome to India</p><input type="button" value="Save Data" id="abc" /></div><asp:TextBox ID="TextBox1" runat="server" Class="xyz"></asp:TextBox></form><p class="testing">Hello</p></body></html>