Creating a .edmx File using Entity Data Model

This article explains how to create an edmx file, write the Lambda Expression and the last one is CRUD (Insert, Update, Delete and Select).
First of all create a database (I am using the Northwind database.).
Step 1:
Create a new Windows Form Application project:
Step 2:
"EntityFrameWorkSample" >> "Add" >> "New Item" >> "Data" >> "ADO.NET Entity Data Model"
On the other hand write your model name (Model1.edmx is the default name; I do not want to change it) and push the "Add" button.
Step 3:
Choose the model content. I used "Generate from database".
Step 4:
There is the Entity Connection. If you want to change this connection string open the App.config file.
If you have no connection then you must create a new connection from the "New Connection" button and choose your database.
Choose Your Server Name and "Log on to the server" (this is the security level) and finally select your database. I used the Northwind database. Click the "Ok" button.
Step 5:
Choose the Categories table and select this one. Click the "Finish" button.
Step 6:
The model will be generated and opened in the EDM Designer.
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How to insert data from the Categories table?
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