In this article, you will learn about the Join statements of SQL servers. A SQL JOIN fetches data from two different tables by relating one or more columns of the tables. Continue reading about Joins in SQL Server: Joins in SQL Server. Everything You Need To Know About SQL Joins.
Table 1: Department
Table 2: Employee
Types Of SQL Joins
- Equi join
- Inner Join or Self Join
- Outer Join
- Further, we have two parts of an Outer Join:
- Left Outer Join
- Right Outer Join
Find a detailed article about Types of Joins in SQL Server here: Types of Joins in SQL Server.
Equi Join in SQL
An equi join has a join condition containing an equality operator (=). An equijoin combines rows that have equivalent values for the specified columns.
The following query displays the employee name and the corresponding department.
SELECT e.EmployeeID,e.Employee_Name, d.Department_Name
FROM employee e(nolock), department d (nolock)
WHERE e.DepartmentID = d.DepartmentID
Inner or Self Join in SQL
A self-join is a join of a table to itself. This table appears twice in the FROM clause and is followed by table aliases that qualify the column names in the join condition. To perform a self-join, SQL combines and returns rows of the table that satisfy the join condition.
The following query displays the Employee Name and the corresponding Manager Name within the employee table.
SELECT e1.Employee_Name EmployeeName, e2.Employee_Name ManagerName
FROM employee e1(nolock), employee e2(nolock)
WHERE e1.EmployeeID = e2.ManagerID
An inner join (sometimes called a "simple join") is a join of two or more tables that only returns rows that satisfy the join condition.
The following query displays the employee name and the corresponding department.
SELECT e.EmployeeID,e.Employee_Name, d.Department_Name
FROM employee e(nolock) INNER JOIN department d(nolock)
ON e.DepartmentID = d.DepartmentID
Left Outer Join in SQL
A left outer join displays all the rows from the first table and the matched rows from the second table.
The following query retrieves the employee's name and the corresponding department he belongs to, whereas all the departments are displayed even if the employee is not assigned to any department.
SELECT e.EmployeeID,e.Employee_Name, d.Department_Name
FROM employee e(nolock) LEFT JOIN department d(nolock)
ON e.DepartmentID = d.DepartmentID
Right Outer Join in SQL
The right outer join displays all the rows from the second table and matching rows from the first table.
SELECT e.EmployeeID,e.Employee_Name, d.Department_Name
FROM employee e(nolock) RIGHT JOIN department d(nolock)
ON e.DepartmentID = d.DepartmentID
This article taught us about the Join statements of SQL Server. Continue reading about Joins in SQL Server: Joins in SQL Server. Everything You Need To Know About SQL Joins.