This article shows how to create a custom Result Source in a SharePoint 2013 Environment.
A typical scenario in SharePoint is to limit the results on a search page to specific content. SharePoint 2013 introduces the concept of Results Sources.It was called Search scopes in SharePoint 2010.Result Sources can be created at the following three levels:
SharePoint 2013 provides 16 predefined result sources.Local SharePoint Results is the pre-configured default search resource. We can specify our result sources as the default.You need to have Site Collection Administrator permissions for the site collection and Site Owner permissions for the site. In this article, I will show you how to create a custom Result Source in a SharePoint 2013 Environment.Step 1Navigate to Manage Result Sources from Search Settings. Step 2Select New Result Source and a new page will appear.Step 3Provide general information such as Name and Description for the newly generated search results. The Protocol should be Local SharePoint.Step 4Click on Launch Query Builder.Step 5In the Query Text, provide the source of the search to confine your search results.Step 6The updated Query text value to search values only from the list items is shown below.Step 7The newly created Result source is as shown below. You can assign this to the search result web part to refine your search results.
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