.NET 4.5 Controller Blocking Issues: Resolved

Just an update to my earlier post on the Controller Blocking Issue in .NET 4.5 that plagued me for a few weeks. A hotfix has been added and is currently available for download, which should allow you to go about your days developing your .NET 4.5 Applications with ease.

I would like to just give a special thanks to the .NET Development Team and Compatibility team for not only working hard to help resolve this issue, but also provide details as to why it was occurring and a few methods of working around it until a proper fix was released. An extra special thanks to Levi Broderick for explaining the issue in great detail.

If you want more information about the hotfixes – you can read the full details of each below and just use Windows Update to actually download them:

  • Windows 7 , Windows Vista and Server 2008 4.5 Hotfix (#2828841)
  • Windows 8, Windows RT and Windows Server 2012 4.5 Hotfix (#2828842)

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