Java vs JavaScript


As far as Java and JavaScript are concerned both share similar names but they are completely different only having some common things. Both are different in their main goal and the applications they both can run. JavaScript is a very simple language like HTML. Java is a general-purpose language on the other hand JavaScript is used on websites for making them more interactive. They are configured separately.



Java is an Object Oriented Programming language. It is created by Sun Microsystems. Initially, Java was known as Oak, but in 1995 it was renamed as Java. Nowadays it has been merged into Oracle Corporations. The main advantage of Java is that we need to run its code once and after that, we can run it anywhere, in other words also the tag line of Java. Its code can be run on any platform providing the environment to run it. The Java Virtual Machine has the responsibility of running Java code anywhere. Java is considered as a universal computer language. It is designed similar to C++, but with easier syntax to understand. Java is also known for its security terms. It is a very secure language. Java is used for creating and running web servers, word processors, code editors and so on. Java also provides applets that run inside our browser. They are not incorporated in our browsers like other programs. Nowadays applets are rarely used by programmers because of some security flaws in them.



As far as JavaScript is concerned, we can think of it as a part of our browser. It is an object-oriented scripting language and was created by Netscape. It is a light weight language. Its name caused confusion with the name Java. Initially, it was known as LiveScript. It is built into our browser. First, it was used in Netscape browsers. JavaScript is easy to learn because its syntax is similar to that of HTML. It is different from HTML in that it is object-oriented. Its code can be inserted into HTML pages. It is used to control the look and feel of the web pages. Generally, all modern websites use JavaScript. In JavaScript, objects can be plotted through method acting. We can also change the properties with method acting. Functions are supported in JavaScript without any declarative requirements.

Java and JavaScript 

Java and JavaScript both are Object Oriented Programming languages, but JavaScript is an object-oriented scripting language. They are completely different programming languages with a small number of similarities. JavaScript is mainly used in web pages. Almost all Java expression syntax, naming conventions are followed by JavaScript. This is the main reason for calling it JavaScript. Unlike Java, JavaScript does not bother about methods, variables, and classes at all. Java is much more complex than JavaScript. Let us compare Java and JavaScript in detail.

  • In Java, the source code is first converted into an intermediate code known as the byte code. This byte code is non-readable by humans and is independent of any machine. After that this byte code is interpreted by the interpreter (Java Virtual Machine). Since JavaScript is a scripting language it is only interpreted. That is why making changes in a Java program is much more complex than making changes in a JavaScript program.
  • Java needs the Java Development Kit. JavaScript mainly requires a text editor.
  • Java is a strongly typed language, on the other hand, JavaScript is a loosely typed language.
  • In a web environment, JavaScript is a front-end language whereas Java is a back end language.
  • JavaScript is considered as a part of the HTML file so it is visible in the source file. Java applets are not a part of the HTML file so they are not visible in the source file.
  • Java is very complex to learn due to its rules and restrictions whereas JavaScript is very easy to learn as compared to Java.

  • The User Interface of JavaScript is developed in HTML that is very easy to understand whereas the User Interface of Java is developed in AWT or Swing that is very complex to understand.
  • The client-side is more secure in Java compared to JavaScript.
  • In Java and JavaScript routines are known as methods and functions respectively.
  • Java supports polymorphism, but JavaScript does not support polymorphism.
  • Java uses classes and objects to make its code reusable easily but this service is not available in JavaScript.

Similarities between Java and JavaScript

  • Java and JavaScript both can run on the server.
  • Java and JavaScript both can run on a browser.
  • Java and JavaScript both have frameworks and libraries.
  • Java and JavaScript both cannot be written automatically to the hard disk drive.
  • Java and JavaScript both are used to upgrade the web pages.
  • Java and JavaScript both have some level of security built into it.
  • Java and JavaScript both can run on the client's side.

Advantages of JavaScript over Java

  • Basic knowledge of HTML is sufficient for JavaScript.
  • Editing is easier in JavaScript compared to Java.
  • It is easier, adaptable and more robust than Java and even a common man can easily understand it.
  • It is faster than Java.
  • Only a text editor is sufficient to work with JavaScript.

Disadvantages of JavaScript over Java

  • JavaScript is less flexible than Java.
  • Different browsers need different versions of JavaScript.
  • JavaScript is less secure than Java.
  • Due to the absence of a compiler in JavaScript, you do not know your mistakes while writing.
  • JavaScript is a loosely typed language so it does not provide type safety.
  • It does not have a standard way of writing it.


This article introduced you to Java and JavaScript and explained the differences and similarities between them.

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