This article describes the basic introduction of a PRJ folder and also provides a procedure for creating a PRJ folder in a QlikView application.
IntroductionPRJ folders are very useful for QlikView applications because they are helpful for Source Control Management. Source Control Management is also known as Version Control. It refers to the business or organization. It is the management of documents, source code and other data in a QlikView application. Version Control has easy development of new features.For the development environment, Version Control is important in QlikView applications. A QlikView document can be saved in various file formats (like XML and text files). The properties of QlikView documents like sheet and every object are always stored in the XML files.The PRJ folder does not allow the underlying data. Every time the user uses the document the documents will often be opened. When an object is created sometimes it may be changed then these changes are saved. Then the PRJ folder makes it possible to see who made a change to the QlikView application or QlikView document.Contents of PRJ folder
How to create PRJ folder in QlikView ApplicationUse the following procedure to create a PRJ folder.Step 1: Open QlikView applicationIn the first step you need to open the QlikView application then go to:File-> New then this window will be opened.Step 2: Select data sourceIn the second step, for creating a QlikView document you need to browse to your Excel file and click on the Next button.Step 3: Verify data presentationIn the third step we need to verify our data that we browsed from the Excel file and click on the Next button.Step 4: Save FileThe next step is save our QlikView file in the location that you want to and click on the Save button.Then this window will be opened and click on the Next button.Step 5: Select ChartIn this step for data presentation we need to select a chart and click on the Next button.Step 6: Select Dimensions In this step, we need to select the dimension because dimensions show the grouping of calculated data. From drop-down boxes you select one or more dimensions and click on the Next button.Step 7: Add Expression In this step, we need to add the expression in the chart because the chart expression defines the calculated value in the chart. From drop-down boxes you select one or more expressions then click on the Finish button.Step 8: Main Window In this step, you saw the main window after following these steps.Step 9: Create new folderThe next and major step of a PRJ folder is to create a new folder in the location that we saved our QlikView file. ExampleSuppose my QlikView file was saved in the desktop in the QlikView file folder, then go to this folder and create a new folder.Step 10: Rename folderThe next step is to rename the folder that we create and save this folder with the extension -prj.Step 11: Save as QlikView fileAfter renaming the PRJ folder the next step is to return to the QlikView application and save again our QlikView file with the same name that we saved it to previously and replace it.Now this window will be opened and click on the Save button.Now this confirmation box will be opened and click on the Yes button.Step 12: Go to the PRJ folder The next step is go to the PRJ folder and click on this folder for seeing the contents of the PRJ folder.When you double-click the PRJ folder then you can see all the contents of the PRJ folder.If you want to see any PRJ content then simply double-click on any PRJ content.Then this window will be opened.These are the basic steps for the creation of a PRJ folder in a QlikView application.SummaryThis article is helpful for understanding PRJ folders and the creation of PRJ folders.
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