Creating Chart In QlikView


A QlikView chart can be used to represent data in graphical form. In the chart, the data is represented by symbols. The chart is a diagram or graph. A chart can be used for easy understanding of large business data.


In a bar chart, the data is shown by bars.
In a line chart, the data is shown by lines.
In a pie chart, the data is shown by slices.
In a histogram chart, the data is shown by adjacent rectangles.

Use the following procedure to create a sample chart in a QlikView application.

Step 1: Open the QlikView application

In the first step you need to open the QlikView application then go to "File" -> "New", then this window will be opened.

After clicking New option

Step 2: Open Edit Script

The second step is open the edit script window from "File" -> "Edit Script".

window of edit Script

  • Then this window will be opened.


Step 3: Click on table files

table file

In this step we import our Excel file and click on the Open button.

local file

Step 4: File wizard type

Then this window will be opened. Here you can see your Excel file table and click on the Finish button.

File wizard

Step 5: Code of edit script

Now, in the edit script the Excel file is uploaded successfully and reload it.


Step 6: Save file

The next step is to save our QlikView file.

save file

Step 7: Sheet property window

The sheet property window will be opened. In this window you add fields that you want to display as a table and click on the OK button.


Step 8: Main window

Then you will see this window.


Step 9: Select chart

In the menu bar, there is the option for layout then click on layout and select chart.


Step 10: General window

In this window we select chart type. There are various chart types. You can select a chart type as your own choice and click on the Next button.

chart type

Step 11: Add dimension

In this window we add a dimension because dimensions describes calculated data.


Step 11: Edit expression

In this window we perform an aggregate function with any one dimension and click on the OK button.


Step 12: Expression window

Then this window will be opened and click on the Finish button.


Step 13: Final window

Then you will see the chart. This chart shows the total sum of salary.



This article describes the basic introduction to QlikView chart and also describes how to create a chart in a QlikView application.

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