Creating Bar Chart in QlikView


QlikView bar chart is a diagram in which the numerical values of variables that we defined in a QlikView expression are represented by the height or length of lines. The bar chart also uses rectangles for displaying data. In a bar chart there is equal width. A bar chart shows data virtually.

In a previous article I described how to create a table box in a QlikView application. A table box is important for a chart because it shows all the data.

Create table box in QlikView

Let's start with the creation of a line chart.

Step 1: Select chart

In the menu bar, there is an option for layout. Click on "Layout" and select "New Sheet Object" -> "Chart".


Step 2: General window

In this window we select chart type. There are various chart types given and select line chart type click on the Next button.

chart type

Step 3: Add dimension

In this window we add a dimension because dimensions describe the calculated data. Then click on the Next button.


Step 4: Edit expression

In this window we perform an aggregate function with any one dimension and click on the OK button.


Step 5: Expression window

Then this window will be opened and click on the Finish button.


Step 6: Final window

Then you will have a chart. This chart shows the total sum of the salaries.


This chart shows a normal type of line chart. You can see it in the expression window.

If you select a data item in the table then the bar chart shows that value.

selected data


This article provides a basic introduction to a QlikView bar chart and also describes how to create a bar chart in a QlikView application.

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