AppBar/Command Bar in Windows Phone 8.1


This article explains the Command Bar in Windows Phone 8.1 that was previously known as the AppBar in Windows Phone 7 and 8.

The Command Bar in Windows Phone 8.1 is much handier than the App Bar in Windows Phone 7 and 8 since it gives some cool features like Flyouts for the AppBar Buttons. (It is just similar to that of Windows Store apps.)

Step 1

To build a Windows Phone 8.1 application, ensure that you have Visual Studio 2013 and the Windows Phone 8.1 SDK installed in your system. Go to "New Project". Under "Installed" > "Templates" > "Visual C#" > "Store Apps" select "Windows Phone Apps" then select "Blank App (Windows Pone)" and provide it a name as you choose (here I am using "CommandBarWP8.1").

Step 2

Navigate to the "MainPage.xaml" section of the project and inside the Page attribute in the XAML before the Grid attribute add the following line of code:

  1. <Page.BottomAppBar>    
  2.     <CommandBar x:Name="myCommandBar">                   
  3.         <AppBarButton x:Name="pinAppBtn" Label="Pin" Icon="Pin">                   
  4.         <AppBarButton x:Name="pinAppBtn" Label="Pin" Icon="Pin">    
  5.            <AppBarButton.Flyout>    
  6.                <MenuFlyout>    
  7.                    <MenuFlyoutItem x:Name="pinMenuBtn" Text="Pin to Start"/>    
  8.                </MenuFlyout>    
  9.            </AppBarButton.Flyout>    
  10.         </AppBarButton>                               
  11.     </CommandBar>       
  12. </Page.BottomAppBar>  
Your MainPage will be like this:
Navigate to the MainPage

Step 3

Now it's time to add the App Bar, or you can say Command Bar, button inside the Command Bar tag that we have added in the XAML. Add the following code:
  1. <Page.BottomAppBar>  
  2.     <CommandBar x:Name="myCommandBar" >              
  3.         <CommandBar.PrimaryCommands>  
  4.             <AppBarButton Label="Add" Icon="Add"/>  
  5.             <AppBarButton Label="Favorite" Icon="Favorite"/>              
  6.             <AppBarToggleButton Label="Disable" Icon="DisableUpdates"/>                 
  7.         </CommandBar.PrimaryCommands>              
  8.     </CommandBar>  
  9. </Page.BottomAppBar>  
  10. <Grid>          
  11. </Grid> 
There are basically the following two important properties for the Command Bar: 
  • Primary Commands ,and
  • Secondary Commands
Primary Commands is for the buttons (App Bar Buttons as in Windows Phone 8/7) and Secondary Commands are for the Menu (Menu as in AppBar as in Windows Phone 8/7).

Now your MainPage will be like this:

Buttons and menu in windows phone

Step 4

Now if you want to add some more options like a Menu, then you need to add the Secondary Command property of the Command Bar. So for the Menu add the following code:
  1. <Page.BottomAppBar>  
  2.     <CommandBar x:Name="myCommandBar" >              
  3.         <CommandBar.PrimaryCommands>  
  4.             <AppBarButton Label="Add" Icon="Add"/>  
  5.             <AppBarButton Label="Favorite" Icon="Favorite"/>              
  6.             <AppBarToggleButton Label="Disable" Icon="DisableUpdates"/>                 
  7.         </CommandBar.PrimaryCommands>  
  8.         <CommandBar.SecondaryCommands>  
  9.             <AppBarButton Label="about" Icon="Important"/>  
  10.         </CommandBar.SecondaryCommands>  
  11.     </CommandBar>  
  12. </Page.BottomAppBar>  
  13. <Grid>  
  14. </Grid> 
Your Main Page will be like this:

Secondary Command property

Now compile and run your project.

Compile and run windows phone

Initially when the MainPage opens you will see the app (Command) Bar.

app Bar in windows phone

Now when you press the three dots shown in the figure above, the menu will then be visible as in the following:

menu visible of windows phone

Now suppose you want that initially when the page is loaded the App Bar that is showing by default the App buttons won't be there or is in a hidden state. For this you just need to set the ClosedDisplayMode property of the CommandBar to "Minimal":
  1. <CommandBar x:Name="myCommandBar" ClosedDisplayMode="Minimal" >  
Compile and run the project.

Now when the application loads the page you will only see the three dots initially:

load windows phone page

Step 5

So that's everything about a normal Command Bar control in Windows Phone 8.1.

There is also a very cool feature of the Command Bar, you can enable the flyouts for the Buttons in the Command Bar.

Now in your project remove all the code that you have added previously (it's just for Convenience).

Now add a Command Button to the project as in the following:
  1. <Page.BottomAppBar>  
  2.     <CommandBar x:Name="myCommandBar">              
  3.         <AppBarButton x:Name="pinAppBtn" Label="Pin" Icon="Pin">               
  4.         </AppBarButton>              
  5.     </CommandBar>  
  6. </Page.BottomAppBar> 
Now between the AppBarButton tag add the following line of code for the MenuFlyout item:
  1. <Page.BottomAppBar>  
  2.     <CommandBar x:Name="myCommandBar">              
  3.         <AppBarButton x:Name="pinAppBtn" Label="Pin" Icon="Pin">                
  4.         <AppBarButton x:Name="pinAppBtn" Label="Pin" Icon="Pin">  
  5.             <AppBarButton.Flyout>  
  6.                 <MenuFlyout>  
  7.                     <MenuFlyoutItem x:Name="pinMenuBtn" Text="Pin to Start"/>  
  8.                 </MenuFlyout>  
  9.             </AppBarButton.Flyout>  
  10.         </AppBarButton>                          
  11.     </CommandBar>  
  12. </Page.BottomAppBar> 
Compile and run the project. When you click on the Pin button a MenuFlyout will then appear.

Pin button a MenuFlyout of windows phone

That's all for the article.

In the future articles you will see more on Windows Phone 8.1. I am including the source code also.

If you have any suggestion or query then please comment.

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