Visual C++ RTM

Visual C++ RTM

"To increase maintainability, reduce the risk of subtle errors in complex program code, and to make the use of initializes more consistent."

- Michael Spertus and Bill Seymour

Non Static Data Member initializers

class widget


    int a = 42;

    string b = “xyzzy”;

    vector<int> c = { 1, 2, 3, 4 };





    // 42 xyzzy 1 2 3 4

    explicit widget(int val) : a{val}



    // val xyzzy 1 2 3 4

    widget(int i, int j) : c{i, i, i, i, j, j}



    // 42 xyzzy i i i i j j


Functionalities | C++ RTM

1. DEFAULT | =default

“The definition form "=default;" indicates that the function’s default definition should be used.”

- Lawrence Crowl

Attributes of =default

Why is =default better than writing it yourself?

  • =default is shorter and less redundant.
  • Default implementations can be more efficient than manual implementations.
  • Default implementations can be “trivial,” so preserve POD-ness.
  • Provides an easy way to get an otherwise implicitly-suppressed generated function.


class value


    //possibly lots of members


    value& operator=( const value& );

    // provide custom

    value( const value& );

    // copying behavior

    value() = default;

    // un-suppress default constructor w/o rewriting it


Part of another feature: Will be added when we support implicit move generation.

2. DELETE | =delete

“Use of default language facilities [and problematic conversions] can be made an error by deleting the definition… [This] achieves the goal of making a bad overload visible.”

- Lawrence Crowl


  • Disabling copying
  • Better diagnostic

Ref Example 
 class type



     type( const type& ) = delete;

     type& operator=( const type& ) = delete;

     type() = default;

     // restore suppressed default constructor


Example: The following is an examle of eliminating undesirable conversions/overloads.

void bar( long long );

// accept long long…

void bar( long ) = delete;

// but nothing else

class custom_regex_iterator


    // stores a pointer to its regex


    custom_regex_iterator( const regex& );

    // lvalues only please

    custom_regex_iterator( const regex&& ) = delete;

    // no rvalues need apply


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