Let say you have already developed your App and want to upload to Windows 10 /Windows Store, but you don’t know how to create packages and upload. Then I hope this article will help you.
I have listed some steps need to be followed.
1. Open Visual Studio
2. Open your Project.
I want to Upload my Project called App2 in the store, so I will open App2.
3. After opening the project in Solution Explorer look for the “
and click on it.
![add reference]()
4. After clicking you’ll see this screen, here you have fill Up the information about your App like the following:
- Display Name: Enter the name of your App which you want to display in Store.
- Entry Point: if you want to Edit this, then Edit, otherwise leave it as it is.
- Default language: Choose the default language of your App
- Description: Enter the Descriptions about your App here.
5. Then click on “Visual Assets”.
In this section you have set image of different resolution for your App.
Use MS paint or Other Application to create different resolutions and images format should Be .PNG.
Click on different resolution and set the images like I have done in the following screenshot:
6. After Setting the images Properly click on “
Capabilities” and check the capabilities that your App supports.
For Example: My App sometimes Access the location so I have checked the Location.
7. After that rest of the field you can leave as it is or if you want to edit you can. After completing the above steps properly Build your Project once.
To Build the project click on Build and also click “Build Solution”.
8. Now click on “
Project” and move to “
Store” and then choose “
Create App packages”.
9. Now after clicking you will see this screen. After that choose”Yes “ and click “Next”.
10. And then enter your Microsoft Account credentials and then wait for sometime. It will show the App lists.
Note: To upload any app to store you should have a developer account.
11. After that you will see your App list and if this is your first App then you will currently see no App in the list.
Now you need to Reserve a Name for your App. To do that click enter your App name and click on “Reserve".
After this it will take few seconds to reserve and then you’ll be able to see your App in the list. Then select your Reserved App and click “
12. Now you have to choose the Output Locations, version and Architecture of your App for Architecture. We will be having three options here. If you don’t know properly which architecture you should choose then just check the “
13. Now you need to choose where you want to Test your App.
There are two options:
- Local Machine
- Remote machine
I want to test my App on Local machine, so I will choose“local machine”.
After choosing that click on “Lunch windows App certification Kit “.
It will open Windows App certification Kit which will test your App and if there is any problem it will generate one report. If there is any Error/Problem in your App then you need to fix that problem.
14. Click on “
Launch Windows Certification Kit”. It will take few seconds to load and then it will check for update. If it is not updated, then update it now. It will ask you for the Options that which test you want to perform. Normally I will choose all and then
click on Next.
After clicking next I will recommend don’t operate the computer. Leave it for testing and it will start testing. It will open your App several times and will take few minutes only.
As I said it will take some time to test. After testing it will generate a report. If there is no problem with your App, then it will show the final report that your app has passed the certification.
15. Now go to the folder where your project is saved. Like my project is saved in
C:\Users\Anish\Documents\Visual Studio 2013\Projects\App2\App2\AppPackages.
Go to the folder and search App packages folder in the App folder and you will find “yourappname.aapxupload”. For me it is “app2.appxupload”. This file can be used to upload in the windows store.