A Version Workload Report displays (upon the current workload within a specific project for a specific version) the useful time-tracking information. For a specified version, it displays a summary of the total workload remaining for the version, a list of unresolved issues assigned to each user and each user's workload.
How to generate a version workload report:
- Click on "Projects" dropdown on the top navigation bar. The projects category will display.
- Click on the project that you want to browse or click on "View All Projects". The user will be able to view the list of all projects set up in your JIRA instance. Now select your project from the list.
- Click on the "Reports" dropdown on the right of the page and click on the "Version Workload Report" from the dropdown. The description page will open.
- From the "Version" drop-down, select the version on which you want to report. The report will contain all the issues that belong to this version.
- In the "Display unestimated issues" drop-down list, select the issues to be included in the report.
- Choose "Yes" if you want to show all unresolved issues.
- Choose "No" if you want to exclude issues which are not time-tracked.
- In the "Sub-task Inclusion" drop-down list choose which sub-tasks are to be included in the report. For all parent issues that belong to this version:
- Choose "Only include sub-tasks with the selected version" if you want to only include an issue's sub-tasks if the sub-tasks belong to the same version as the issue
- Choose "Also include sub-tasks without a version set" to include an issue's sub-tasks if the sub-tasks belong to either the same version as the issue or to no version
- Choose "Include all sub-tasks" to include all of an issue's sub-tasks, regardless of whether the sub-tasks belong to the same version, some other version or no version